Monday, February 10, 2014

Make me a child again.

So today has been one of the harder days I've had for a while. Sometimes you just get hurt. Sometimes the people you love most can wound you the deepest, but nothing is ever too deep that a little talk with Jesus can't fix it.

I've learned a lot since I started going to our church's new Ladies' Life group on Friday nights and I just wanted to share a bit about child-like innocenceSometimes in our weakness, we're most vulnerable to not only getting hurt, or falling into sin, but to childish thinking. The interesting thing I've found is that the bible discusses several ways of thinking like a child. In Mark 10:15 where Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." He's talking about simplifying your mind and just believing. In the New Testament Nicodemus didn't understand what Jesus meant by being "born again". It just means going back to innocence and becoming new. So we combine becoming a new creation and simply believing. Easy, right? Well check this out.  My favorite scripture on the same topic is 1 Corinthians 4:20, which ropes back around to the point. "Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil, be infants, but in your thinking, be adults." It's basically saying to not be vulnerable to childish thinking where you lack growth, but to grow in wisdom and come to the throne in innocence so that you can receive from Jesus. 
Each day we grow a little more. Those first 15 years of life we're getting taller every day, getting new teeth, and we're learning new things about the world around us, and pretty soon it becomes our minds, maturity, and mentality that grows. We never stop growing, ever. Day by day we have to mature, as sometimes we have to sacrifice things in order to grow. Sometimes it will take someone moving out of their parent's house to grow and learn how to take care of themselves. To others it takes sacrificing friendships to grow in a new way with other friends. Either way, growth is a constant thing, but the most beautiful thing there is is when mental and spiritual growth and childlike innocence meet. Ohh, man. Could you imagine? Having a deep understanding of the things of God, maturing in the natural as you live and learn, and coming to Him like a child and receiving more from Him? And then leaving that prayer closet to pour his love into others that you see every day!? YES! 

Make me like a child, God, so that I can really SEE you. I've become so jaded by this world and its oppression and the opinions of the crowds, but to really see you for you, I have to become like a child and return to innocence daily while I continue to grow in this world and grow spiritually. 
I want to pursue this every single day this year, no matter what it takes. On the outside I'll be learning how to live on my own (with some roomies) and pay bills and be responsible, but on the inside I'll come to Him like a child, daily.

Here's to the heart of a kid, and may we never lose it.