Sunday, April 22, 2012

Death, where is your sting?

Honestly, I'm bummed and kinda sad that I can't go back to Kid's Camp this summer as an assistant counselor... It was actually my entire highlight of last summer, through everything I did in those two months. The 5 days at Kid's Camp had to have been the longest 5 days of my life at that point, with getting up early, making sure everyone was fed before activities, swimming, working, horseback riding, cleaning, helping the girls memorize their verses, leading worship, praying for kids as they received the infilling of the holy spirit and salvation and running off of about 5 hours of sleep each night. Sounds crazy, right?

  But here's the truth in it... out of everything I did that summer I felt like I was fulfilling some kind of calling God had put on the inside of me. Yes, by spending 5 days with like 100 kids and 20 adult counselors, a lot of which I didn't know. And believe me, it was hard work, especially when paying to go instead of getting paid to work there (granted, it was definitely worth it) I spent my time running around making sure these guys were getting what they needed and meanwhile I experiencing an entire new level of what humility meant. Throw a teenager in with a bunch of kids and tell them to do something that involves leadership and you'll have a humble kid by the end of the week. No lie...

Watching as these 6-11 year olds had love encounters with God each night... It was like an energetic field was running when we stood up there, singing "No more shackles, no more chains, no more bondage, I am free, yeah"... That was definitely my strongest memory of kid's camp from when I was 9 and the strongest memory from when I went back to lead at 15. The worship was something so deep that I hadn't experienced until that moment. They all hold such a sense of purity and innocence. I'd probably feel a lot better at the end of the day after spending it running around ministering, playing games with and taking care of a bunch of kids than going to school then a highschool football game that night or something. There's a big difference...

^^ That's pretty much the recap from Kid's camp 2011

Honestly if I had the option to without certain circumstances holding me back, I would so go back this summer.

But for now I pray that whoever he sends there will do the jobs and do them well. But with whatever God has for me this summer, I'm going to take it up and run with it as fast as I can.

In terms of tomorrow, I'm working with the kids then. So I'll see what I can do running off of 5 hours of sleep again. 

Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? -1 Corinthians 15:55


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