Thursday, May 3, 2012

The National Day of Prayer: a Future and a Hope

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9 

Since the beginning of this year, God placed it on my heart to do something at Oakland for the National Day of Prayer, and this is the scripture I've been praying over it with. One step at a time is how I've realized you get places, not only physically, but also spiritually and metaphorically. Every journey, big or small, begins with one step. 

Days before this after practicing a couple times, I began to feel the nervous effect. I had lead worship in front of a congregation only a few times before, but now I was positioning myself to lead worship in front of people who may or may not even believe in God and who might make fun of me. I started contemplating if it was even a good idea, but in that time God assured me. In my heart he prompted, "This is my plan, not yours. My word never returns void. You have every resource you need. Now all you need is trust." 
And so I layed it down at his feet for him to take up and carry.  I'm the servant, not the one in charge.

This morning we got to school bright and early, set the instruments up on the sidewalk outside of the band room. As people gathered, we began to pray then lead into the song "How He Loves Us". Before we started, I took a deep breath and instead of feeling a pounding heart or stress on my shoulders for playing and singing in leading for the first time, I felt an inner peace and confidence. "This is it. This is right."

And we took off. Prayed in groups, then gathered back to praise God with "Our God is Greater".
Did persecution come? 
Yes, it did, and we endured it.  

We know who wins in the end when it's all said and done.

It was like everything we had ever prayed for for Oakland high school began to happen in front of me.
And I know God isn't finished yet. Revival is here. 

I want to thank everyone who came this morning, and even those who didn't come. I want you to know that you're the light and that no matter who you are, you move God's heart when you seek him. When you share his love, his heart is moved. When you talk to him, his heart moves.

Have a blessed National Day of Prayer.


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