Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Will Lift My Eyes...

I hate not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow.
I hate being in a stand-still waiting mode while nothing is in its place. Nothing is certain. I don’t know who will be staying at my house tomorrow night or when my family will get better with everyone in good health or when we finally have the full okay to move into this new house. And I absolutely hate it when people take everything I say the wrong way and think I’m a jerk when it isn’t my intention to sound that way, but to help instead.
 I CAN NOT FIX EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There, I said it! I admit it!
The only thing that is certain now is my backpack full of everything I need for the next week and my bible. All we can do now is live day by day and go with it spontaneously. 

Things aren’t exactly solid here. But the one thing that is certain here is God’s promises to us… he said he would give us strength in our time of need and that he wouldn’t abandon us. This is my encouragement. Last night at church my youth leader was talking about where we find our encouragement. We can’t fully rely on other peoples’ views and opinions of us, because there’s always a chance that they’ll start telling us we’re someone that we aren’t and we’ll start giving into it and seeing ourselves as something that we aren’t...
 But the truth is that we can always be certain that God thinks the best of us and that he loves us and will lift us up when we’re down when we look toward him.  This one thing is certain. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
I will lift up my eyes unto the Hills- from where comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” –Psalm 121:1-2
This is my scripture now. Not to condemn others with my words, but to build others up. To reach out even when it feels like I’m hanging by a thread. This season is going to end. Things won’t stay like this forever. It’s going to pass.

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