Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Advocate for Justice and the Fatherless

"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." -Romans 8:15

Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy;
Free them from the hand of the wicked.

-Psalm 82:3-4

I've had points throughout my life where I've contemplated a career that helps people. Last year after watching an episode of CSI that dealt with young girls recovering from being sex trafficked and orphaned, I wondered what it would be like to work in a field that would help them. I thought about adopting the orphaned and the "unwanted." After dismissing the thought to focus on my dream of becoming a worship leader and song writer, I remember that God began putting justice scriptures in my heart in October of 2012, mostly after I returned from the prayer and prophetic conference in Kansas City. And it began with the one written on the left-hand wall of the prayer room: Luke 18:7.

And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? -Luke 18:7

After returning home I spent time in prayer about this and wrote down the scriptures I continually got, including Isaiah 61 that talks about setting the captives free and opening the prisons to those who are bound. I had no idea what God was trying to tell me. Why did I have to keep reciting this scripture in the youth Christmas program? Why did it keep coming up in prayer? What did it even mean? What did justice even mean?

In recent months a career involving reaching out to the traumatized, the hurt has come back up. Actually, the ideas have pretty much thrown themselves at me, and it took this long for them to click. The other night I found the Orphan Justice Center on Facebook after doing some unplanned research.( http://orphanjusticecenter.com/ )  and Safe Families For Children  (http://www.safefamilieskc.org/re I clicked on the Facebook "Safe Families" like page and almost cried when I saw the banner with "Psalm 82:4" written on it. These were one of the justice scriptures I had been praying for only two days before, and here it was staring me in the face. 
 I have a desire to help people and bring them to justice and freedom. I love working with kids, although sometimes I wonder if I'm even good at it. I like to make connections between people and get people what they need, whether or not they're "liked". I've always drawn myself away from a popular crowd to reach out to the people that no one else liked. Heck, I even wrote stories about kids in orphanages when I was younger, and wrote about kids that weren't wanted by people. It's been a fascination that I've ignored for so long up until now. 
So what do I even do? That I'm still trying to figure out. Maybe I'm suppose to be a counselor and adopt kids or something, I don't know. But right here and now, if I know anything it's this: 
There has to be justice brought fourth in the earth. Why has society abandoned its own? This future generation relies on the NOW generation. We can't ignore those crying out for justice and mercy. We can't ignore those who cry out for love. God won't ignore them.

Our God is a Just God.
And when we choose to get the heart of God, we'll understand the Cry.

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