Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lights will guide you home...

Tears stream
down your face
When you lose something you can’t replace…
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes.

Lights will guide you home,                                                    
And Ignite your bones.
And I will try…
to fix you.

When you stare in the face of change, it’s almost as if the very cold chill that rushed down your spine the first time is released once again.
It’s scary. Sometimes it hurts.
At times it can be exhilarating. Other times it can be the change we long awaited for, but in the end
As each change passes by in life
We can never get used to it.
A time comes when we begin to get used to our surroundings, and comfort sets in for a moment, only to be stolen away again.
We can never get completely comfortable, because we live in a world that changes every day. Our lives our ever-changing.
We see people day in and day out, year after year. Relationships come and may stay for a little while, but it seems that as soon as they’re there, they leave. When they leave, it feels like they took a piece of your heart with them in their journey.
They leave an eternal hand print on your heart. As each person was created and crafted differently, each hand print has its unique marking.
We can’t buy back time, but we can relive memories when we close our eyes.
And hold within us the skill we gained, the conversations we held and the stories we told that will live on.
We do often get scared staring into the face of change, but the truth is that if we don’t change, no matter how much it hurts, how will we ever grow and keep our journey moving?
 How will anymore hand prints be left in our hearts? How will we leave an impact in other peoples’ lives?
We’ve got to change. We’ve got to grow, and we’ve got to keep moving.
We have an eternity ahead of us. Whichever way we choose, it’s going to change the world.

 Lights will guide you home… what does it even mean?
When we take that next step of change in our journey, no matter how dark, new or hopeless things may seem at first, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel... The word says that God will never leave us nor forsake us. No matter what change we face, when we trust him to be our light at the end of the tunnel, he’ll be there waiting to guide us through the journey until we finally reach the place that is really home…
To ignite means to set ablaze, to consume with fire, as if you were purifying the gold in a furnace, removing all of the impurities and the things that cause us to hurt and stumble. Being ignited requires change as all of the dirt falls off of us on our journey.
We can’t fix ourselves, no matter how hard we try... and we can never be fixed by man and man alone…
But the end of the tunnel will be forever lit, and our hearts will be forever drawn to it. And in the end, through all of the change, we will be fixed. We’ll be fixed along the journey by the people we meet, the ones we love, the adventures we experience and a God that wants to best for us.

I want to say Thank You to our Oakland High School choir teacher Mr. McDonald. He’s leaving this year to go get his Master’s Degree in choir.
Mr. McDonald, I wish you the best of luck. You’ve left a huge handprint on the hearts of these students (and me). Your hand-print will remain in our hearts. Thank you.

Next year will open up a new chapter in life. We can hope for the best.
Let’s get ready for it.

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