Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spirit Break Out

Our Father,
all of Heaven roars Your name
Sing louder,
 let this place erupt with praise
Can you hear it, 
the sound of Heaven touching Earth?
The sound of Heaven touching Earth

Spirit break out,
Break our walls down.
Spirit break out,
Heaven come down.

King Jesus
You're the name we're lifting high
Your glory
shaking up the earth and skies
we wanna see Your kingdom here
We wanna see Your kingdom here

Spirit break out
Break our walls down
Spirit break out
Heaven come down

 The spiritual resonance in this song is astounding. I have listened to this song 3 times tonight and each time it's as if I were hearing it for the first time again. I started praying the lyrics over my school and people of our town and nation tonight, and I felt like I received something to share with the world.

God is truly breathing on this nation and on the people around us. Whether or not it appears that way right now, through prayer and supplication, he is breathing on us and throughout our schools and throughout every nation, tribe and tongue. It might not look like someone is transforming, but our eyes can fool us easily. The fact that his breath of life is invading everywhere is truth. That person you have been praying for for five years has begun an inward transformation. Prayer won't return void. The fruit of prayer may not show up right away, but it's there.
God has not abandoned us in the darkness. His breath of life is in us, and he is constantly moving around us. He is our everything, and without him we are nothing. I am confident that we will see drastic increases in our walk with him the more we push through the "dry and weary lands." When I say this, I'm referring to the times where we don't feel like God's doing anything, or when we feel like our spiritual walk is boring, or when we're getting bored with the place God has put us and we want to move. On the other side of the desert is an oasis. We just need to sustain ourselves in Him and keep walking. I realize that I often write about pushing through the hard parts of our walk with God, but those challenges are very real, no matter how often people like to pretend they aren't there, and it isn't God that is making it hard, most of the time. It's us, because we tend to be self-centered instead of drawing our focus toward him. Often we do things to slow our own walk down, but we need focus on Him, forge on through to get to the other side.

That was a random spiritual epiphany, but there it is.

Spirit break out. Break our walls down. Break down everything that could hold us back from longing for more of God.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sasa ni Wakati

Everything is still processing. I woke up this morning confused about where I was and then really sad that I was home and not in Mwingi. I don't know if anyone else understands this but I don't feel like things will be normal ever again. I can't sit here and say "Oh, what a fun trip! Time for things to go back to normal," because things are different now. I don't want to get comfortable with life again. I don't want to pretend everything is okay when it's completely changed.

This isn't suppose to be a sad post, however. The things I saw over in Kenya were absolutely incredible and devastating. Most of the kids at the schools were running around dirty and thristy with no shoes on. The people in the towns and the market places had very little. The homes were huts, stick houses and vacant clay buildings. But the smiles on their faces and their joy was unquenchable. The children's faces lit up when they saw us enter their school. They took in every second and listened to every word and story we shared. They received Jesus and prayed very loud and confidently. We prayed for healing with them and People were totally healed. Blind eyes and blurred vision became clear. Deaf ears opened. Crippled legs were made straight. Chest aches and stomach aches disappeared.
It was the crazy stuff that we saw. The things that no one in America believes when they are told. They say "God isn't real, Heaven is a myth. You're all foolish." But am I fool when I saw a woman who couldn't walk just stand up and walk up onto the platform to give her testimony about how God healed her? Am I really ignorant when I saw children who could hardly walk without crying out in pain stand up and run, their faces full of smiles and hearts full of joy as they cry out "Jesus healed me!" Am I crazy when I say we saw demon posessed people set free? (Yes, that actually happened.) And Guess what? Those two people were both set free from evil spirits and are at full peace right now.

It was completely, totally, genuinely real. So many people were set free this past week. In fact, Kenya has been shaken over the past two months. Reinhardt Boonke the minister came to Nairobi and so did other mission groups right before we showed up. The timing was perfect
Our totals in the Mwingi Area were 33,561 salvations and 241 healings.
Praise God for a nation that has been set free from bondage. We travelled in cars, planes, then in buses and vans to get to the far, unreached areas. Our van even got stuck a few times in the dirt and sand, but that just made the trip even better! (And it gave us our team name- the Off-roaders. :)

It was worth every minute and penny spent to see those faces of people who were hungry for God receive him. I will never forget Mwingi. And I will be back on the mission field for sure. The people of the nations have captured my heart.
There are so many stories from so many of us that went on this trip. We all saw miracles, signs and wonders. Which, being said, goes along with this title. Sasa ni Wakati means "Now is the time" in Swahili. Now is the time for signs and wonders. Now is the time for a generation to rise up and reach outisde of the box. Now is the time to reach the unreached and change the course of destiny within a nation.

That being said, here are some pictures. There are more on Facebook!

Open hearts ready to receive

The woman with the crutches who got healed

I was very happy to have met this girl, Caitlin. She is awesome and God is gonna take her far.

grateful for the fun Global Ventures staff and their quirkiness

The first gathering

Glad to have met Jesus (Connor) during this trip. He was a fun guy. (By the way I got to play Bubbles the clown if you haven't noticed yet)

This awesome group of girls

Kids who love to dance

Journey to the next school

by far my favorite school/orphanage. The little guy in the orange is Ezekiel and he was pumped!

I will never forget this moment. We prayed for a crippled man. I saw him every night crumpled up on the ground in the front, attentive to the speakers, raising his hands and praying, and believing for his healing. This final night, he began walking. He needs to continue to strengthen his legs, but my friend Lauren and I witnessed his back straighten as we continued to work with him. That was the moment I broke. Tears filled my eyes as I saw him stand up and begin to walk more and straighten our. He fell back down, but got right back up and kept going. I love this man and his faith in God. I love that he kept going and that he promised to continue to keep going and strengthening his legs. He has a full journey ahead of him.

Market place Evangelism.

The girl beside me is Gladdis, and Jesus healed her legs. They were fractured from birth, and it would hurt whenever she would run and play. But after we prayed, She smiled and began jumping up and down.

Anna LaRoe was the best team leader out there and I love her!

Shoutout to the Off-roaders. Everywhere we went took ten minutes. And every time we got stuck Jesus took the wheel.

So there's Kenya for now.

And so that everyone knows, I'm going back to the nations. Praying that I can go on two trips next year. :)

Thank you everyone for your support. The time was well worth it and souls were saved!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

He stretches his hand over the nations.

Last night I went to a prayer meeting/ discussion that a friend of mine from school put together. There was a variety of people from Oakland High school and Siegel, and the purpose of the meeting was to meet with other people and to connect with one another, and to pray together for the many of us that were going on missions trips this year.

At the end of the discussion, we got in a huddle to pray for the trips and people. 
Just to my knowledge, we have people going to Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Ethiopia, Panama, the Bahamas and Kenya. As we were praying, there really was a strong presence of unity and the holy spirit being the center. To unite with other young people who love God and who have a passion for his word and reaching out to people all over the nations is amazing and it's totally what God desires for us. 
Later that night when I got home, my sister, who had just returned from a prayer meeting at our church, asked how it went and told me that during their meeting this prayer lady at our church "picked us up" in prayer. And when I called the lady to talk to her, she said that she saw my face and the faces of many young people going into the nations over the summer to witness, and she kept hearing in her spirit "little solders going into the nations". And she saw so much more than that in prayer. This was about the exact same time that we huddled to pray for eachother at the end of our meeting. 

Words can't even describe how amazing that prayer vision was and how relevant it is to this time and to the future. God has his hand on all of us as we go wherever we go this summer. We're all connected for a reason, and as we all encourage one another while running this race that he set before us, we will see revival in our generation and in places across the world. We will see revival in these nations like nothing before and it will be amazing. Our God is a God of big things.

So let this be a summer of transformation, no matter where he sends you. He has a purpose and you have a destiny bigger than you know.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Influence is a strange thing.

It's a weird feeling realizing that you're being looked up to. Not only looked up to by short people, but by the kid down the street that you don't pay much attention to. Or by the middle schoolers on the bus or the kids at church. Or by the people in your own family. Just because someone else older than you doesn't mean that you don't influence them, I guess because Influence is a strange thing. Sometimes I feel weirded-out at the thought of being looked up to because I guess I know how much I mess up. I screw up all of the time and maybe I'm afraid that if they see me do something stupid then they'll think it's okay too. I think to myself, "Why is my neice copying everything that I do?" or something like, "Why would they look up to me? I'm not even that cool." Then I think of how much I look up to other people. How I want to be a young and free senior and hang out with people and drive around with music blarin' thinking about where I want to go to college and such.
Maybe they're weirded out by me if they know I'm looking up to them and it makes them self concious, too. Or not.

Like I said. Influence is a strange thing. :)