Tuesday, August 13, 2013

These Last Moments

I apologize for not posting in a while, friends. Here is my senior kick-off.

We all come into high school with some idea of what it will be like and who we want to become in four years. But things happen that will shape you into a totally different person than you expect. You will meet people, things will happen, and by the end of it you'll be someone you never imagined upon first entering the doors of High school. It's completely up to you who you choose to become. That is a cliche statement, but so true. My freshman self would have never expected who I am today. And I'm sure that a year from now things will be completely different.
In this precious time- in these last moments, I want to do more than Live it up. I want to live every day as if Jesus would come back tomorrow. Because, friends, we're living in the last days. We have four years to be in the biggest ministry platform we could imagine, and it's a dark place. But Christ is drawing near. And everyday in school I pass people who are cutters, drug users, depressed, lost, and in need of a friend. I don't want to live senior year with my nose stuck in the air. I want to live senior year humbled. I want to live this year reaching into the lowest places, seeking people out who need Jesus to be their healer and comforter. You don't have to run through the courtyard speaking in tongues to get people saved. But you can choose to go into your prayer closet and pray for them. You can choose to sit by them at lunch. You can choose to say hello to them and ask how they are, and if they're struggling you can choose to reach out your hand.

You can choose to be a light this year.

So let it be the best. Let it be the hardest. Let the challenges come. Let the ocean try to overwhelm me. Because no matter what we face this year, with the Ultimate Best Friend at our side, we can overcome anything.

Let this be a year as if it were truly the end. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm always encouraged reading your blog! :) Hope you're doing well there. Lots of love in Christ xx another hannah :D
