Tuesday, September 10, 2013


For those who tend to overthink, get this: God is simple. Actually, he's so complex, beautiful and magnificent beyond our comprehension that He made the way simple for us. For our thoughts are not his thoughts, nor our ways his ways. Simple obedience doesn't necessarily mean a simple walk, but the end result is glorious.
Simple devotion doesn't mean complete eternal satisfaction, but it makes the next time spent with the Lord even more satisfying and appreciated. Simple things we see were made with such careful craft by the creator, and when we see those things, our hearts soften. Our eyes grow bright and our hearts soar or jump.

We were created to create. We were formed to dream. We were designed with the innate desire to change the world. We were made for Agape Love- the unconditional, awesome, simple and deep love.

So in this time, let us Ultimately find ourselves in Him. Because as we talked about at Slab this morning, Ultimately putting God first before everything in our lives will cause all things to fall into place. It's so simple, but too often I find myself trying to overthink God or what He wants or what I'm suppose to be doing in this life. Appreciate the simple things in this life, because more often than not, they're little love letters God writes to us every day reminding us about His amazing plans for us and his Agape for us.

So let this week be a week that you enjoy the simple things, and let it be filled with Agape- the one love that will sustain for eternity.

And on that side note, Thank you Jesus for amazing hearts to connect with both inside and outside of Oakland. Thank you for beautiful hearts at UTK, UTC, MTSU, Crown Pointe, IHOPU and Carson Newman.

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