Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A spec in the world.

It's a real moment of truth when you wake up and realize that you can't do everything in your own power. Put it this way. We were made to handle stress, but not more than we're suppose to take. Note suppose. We aren't even suppose to be stressed out to our maximum capacity. That's why we can only get so stressed until the point where all we can do it sit down and cry and say "I give up." Because that's what we were made to do. We were made to give up- to give up everything that we hold close to us and  stress and fret over. We were made to lay it in his hands. There's a reason that Jesus said "My yolk is easy and my Burden is light." He didn't say it to sound spiritual or to have to sit down and explain what the heck a yolk is to everyone. He said it to tell everyone that they can give him NOT ONLY their problems, but their responsibilities, agendas, attitudes, insecurities, and thoughts. If we're giving our lives to Jesus, let's go to full 100 yards, not just halfway. We need to give him Everything. Because in the end that extra weight we carry will slow us down. We won't reach our full potentials while clinging to temporary emotions or crazy schedules that don't matter at the brink of eternity.

We're tiny specs. 
In a big city, in a big continent 
In big world 
made by an endless God.

So let us broaden our perspective a bit and cast all of our cares onto Him. The ultimate best friend and superhero. 

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