Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's been a while...

Since I've last had a chance to post on here; sorry guys. I've been blessed with a new laptop but unfortunately it won't pick up internet in my neighborhood so I'm currently on standby...

I just want to say that within the past few months I've gotten so much closer to many people in school and I've seen a lot of things harvesting in the spirit. Things that I'd prayed for in the beginning of the year are happening before my very eyes. God is imparting a deeper passion in people I've prayed for and I'm seeing that in their lives and as future growing for passion for Jesus in our school. Even financial miracles have been happening- my trip to Children's Camp is paid off and I'm currently working on youth camp. I've been praying for opportunities to babysit for people and I've had offers left and right. I felt like I was drawn to help lead worship at Kid's Camp this summer and I may have an opportunity for that as well...
A few months ago while I was going to through a lot of pruning I knew I found my hope in God no matter what and that there would be a time of harvest even so... and it's awesome to see that it's happening. :) God is so good. And I will always remind myself of that every day that I strive to be more passionate for him.

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