Thursday, September 15, 2011



This past month while it's been very fun and hectic, getting back into the swing of school and surrounding myself with new people. Other students and I have been getting together Morning Devotion and things the school can do to help spread the word. This is GREAT and has had so much progression. I'm glad this is getting done and I'm happy on the inside knowing that things that have been prayed out are happening.

However, I've taken a notice to something after praying about it and experiencing it.
At the same time, while these wonderful things are happening, I have to remind myself to do things that will keep me spiritually refreshed while I'm busy. And also the truth is this- no matter what happens, the devil will always try to find a way to attack the things you're doing for other people and for God.

When people are getting saved, hearing the word and when lives are being changed for the better, he doesn't like it.
And he tries to stop it by using the same strategies over and over again.

How do I know it? It's obvious just by the things that happen everyday.

Recently this year I've faced a lot of things that I've never faced as much before as now, and I will admit then and there it's distracted me some.

People and schedules tend to be the worst distraction when you let everything you do get out of hand. With growth in the word and in God comes responsibility, and with being busy with the temporal things we do everyday it's easy to sometimes neglect prayer, God and your heart although you prioritize it.

There will always be an equilibrium. The difficult thing can be to find it and keep it constant.

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