Monday, September 26, 2011

The Trust Fall

There is SO much going on this week...

Wednesday morning is See You At The Pole. Students from our school will gather around the flag pole to pray with one another. I've been encouraging some of my friends to also get a couple songs together to lead worship for it. The school Variety show is Thursday evening. This week is also homecoming week, which means the football game is Friday and the home coming dance is afterward. I'm still looking for a date although I don't HAVE to have one...

While these things sound fun they can get stressful.

God's been teaching me how to do the trust fall with him, and not only him but with other people. As a person, I can't just take everyone on by myself and handle it all perfectly, and sometimes I've found myself in a place like that.
The truth is that God puts people in our lives for a very important reason.
I can't do everything!
I can't be the hero that saves the day and makes everything happen.
I'm only one person.

Even the bible says in Matthew 18:20 that when 2 or more gather in his name that he is there with then and that it will be done unto them.

Not that you can't pray for something and receive it on your own. But how much more effective will something be with more than one person working together to make it happen?

We've got to learn to trust the people he's placed in our lives for a reason, especially when it comes to moving together and ministering to others.
Sometimes it can be hard.
Maybe the other person will not do what they're suppose to do the way you think is right.
But your point of view may not always be the best either.
It would be awful boring if we all thought the same way, you know?

Recently as I've been getting used to my Sophomore year, making new friends, I've been watching the trust fall happen to some of my other friends and peers...
And they trust fall with boys.
(or girls, if you're a guy reading this.)
This is a generation full of trust falls...

I've wondered if there was anyone out there I could metaphorically trust fall with that would catch me and take care of me.
(Although I have a lot of time left.)

I know there are plenty of faithful, loyal guys that are just friends that would catch me and bring me back to full standing.
Some guys will catch you but leave you on the ground and walk away.
Some guys will leave just as you're about to fall, you turn around and see them walking off. It hurts for a little bit to think that you'd trusted them enough to almost fall into their arms. But you're glad you didn't. Or else you would have fallen to the ground.
This has happened to me.

Upon looking for what I desire in any relationship of any kind, I want someone who I can trust fall with. And one where they will always be faithful to catch me and bring me back up as I do the same for them. It's important in a friendship, or any relationship for that matter.


God will never let you fall when you trust fall with him.

But the question is
Will you trust him?

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