Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving and Supplication


"Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
That the mountain of the Lord’s house
Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And all nations shall flow to it.
Many people shall come and say,

“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations,
And rebuke many people;
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore.

--Isaiah 2:2-4


As those who seek the face of Jesus, we travel slowly up this mountain to see the Lord God most high- the one we desire. We see the light at the top of the hill- the city set upon the hill. Our hearts are confident that at the top of that hill, we will find the glory of God to fulfill our lives. And we are confident that we will find our inner identity there by seeing his plan for us- the plan of a future and a hope in Jeremiah 29:11.

And we find ourselves there... standing at the top of this hill, with God holding us up on his shoulders as we look all around us at the never-ending stretch of landscape full of sights to see- as if we were standing ontop of the world itself, seeing the never ending possibilities God sets before us in life to run after. It's just us and God at the top of the hill. There is no one else there to see the plan he has for us, because that plan is for us and us alone to see. Individually. God shows us the plan when we take the step of faith to climb the hill and make an effort to really know the plan.

I feel like I've been at the top of the hill since March. As if I've lived there- at the top of the hill, looking around and seeing what God wants to be done. I've built my home at the top, and when I see this plan God has for me- an assignment, I pick myself up, pack a bag, and climb down the hill onto the landscape, venturing to find the assignment. I pray after I leave the hill- so much, because I need it. I must stay constant in the presence of God to really live. It's what I've founded my very identity on and I can never abandon it or run from it, but rather run to it when I am weak.
And after finishing the assignment, piece by piece, I climb the mountain again. I climb mount God. To be with the one I love. To be with the one I was created for. Because I was created to love God... and so were you.

We are created to love God and be loved by him.

Climb the mountain. Don't be afraid.
Take a step of faith. Words are valuable, and so are commitments.
But who is worth more in the end?

Tomorrow I'm sharing Thanksgiving with two more people than usual- a boy and his mother in need of love and in need of open arms- a family. I don't know them. And I've never met them. But I can't wait until I do. Because although I don't know them, I love them with all of my heart and welcome them to share Thanksgiving with my family and I. I've prayed for them, and I heard their story. They've been exposed to so much in their lives... but they haven't yet been exposed to real love. The love of Jesus. Agape-Love.
And I can't wait until they see it.
Because it's amazing. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Come Set Your Seal Upon Me...

Sometimes I find myself just sitting and thinking upon the beauty of Jesus and dwelling in the secret place.
It's so deep...
It's a pure place, where it's just you and God. Very pure and very intimate. I've been praying a lot lately about Clean Hands and a Pure Heart. One night a few nights ago, God told me "The forerunners in the end times will be the ones with clean hands and pure hearts- and I will call them my holy ones. They will live separately. Differently. And I've called you to be holy. To not look like everyone else."
We were called be innocent. Pure. Like children. To hide our eyes from things we know will hurt us. To stay in the shadow of his wing. To live exposed to the beauty and love of Jesus. And to show it to everyone we come in contact with.

Then the lame shall leap like a deer,
And the tongue of the dumb sing.
For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness,
And streams in the desert.
The parched ground shall become a pool,
And the thirsty land springs of water;
In the habitation of jackals, where each lay,
There shall be grass with reeds and rushes.
A highway shall be there, and a road,
And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.
The unclean shall not pass over it,
But it shall be for others.
Whoever walks the road, although a fool,
Shall not go astray.

Isaiah 35:6-8

I'm so glad God placed me in Word and Spirit Church. There have been so many shifts and changes since I really stepped up and comitted to live this life for Jesus. I'm excited to see our platform worship team and ministry grow... really excited... God put me here for a reason... put people in my path for a reason... and it's awesome. :)

God, teach me how to love you. Thank you for this week. Thank you for showing me things that I need to know. Thank you for putting me in the paths of others no matter where I go, and thank you that you've put me there to minister your love to them. It's all about you, Jesus. It's not about us. You are the center. You are love. Your grace and mercies are everlasting, and they never fade away. Beauty may fade, but the love and word of God stands strong forever. It's eternal. I want to fix my eyes on the eternal, not the temporal. Thank you for those in my school and in church. Thank you for shaking them awake, for revival and a love awakening. A fire set upon our hearts, so we can dive beneath the surface of who you are. Thank you Jesus.... come set your love as a seal on our hearts. In Jesus Name...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taking the Initiative

I want to live a life where everyday I can step out without being afraid and doing exactly what God's called me to do, fulfilling it diligently and to the fullest without any drawbacks.

At times more recently than before I've felt as if I had been slightly slacking on Morning Devotion and praying for revival in my school. I was going to it, of course, and continuing to be a leader, but I realized myself becoming more and more distracted with the world instead of doing what I'd always done and what's pushed it more than anything else: spending vital time in prayer behind closed doors.

I felt it slipping slightly as I started becoming more time-consumed with projects, school work, grades, responsibilities, chores and even people. School projects are a hasseland inconvenience to me. So is homework, especially when each teacher drowns you with it as if homework is the only life you have. I'm sorry, but I spend 8 hours a day at school and I'm suppose to spend 8 hours sleeping. I have important things to do with the other 8 hours of my day that don't include dedicating it to school work. But nevertheless, if I want to graduate high school, it must be done unfortunately. I understand how it is to feel that way.

But we've gotta stay in the gap.

All of this chaos is going on and we can't let it distract us. I can't let it distract me... because I know there are people at school that get up every day who aren't saved. And I'm not sure when they'll die, or if they will make it to heaven if they do. But I love them. And I want them to know...

Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive blessing from the LORD,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face.
-Psalm 24:3-6

The other night I was praying and God spoke to my heart... He told me that he was raising up a generation of holiness- of his holy ones; that the Lord's generation, who will see the returning of Jesus, IS the gernation of holiness. And he said that his holy ones must maintain clean hands and a pure heart... They can't run astray. But they have to stay in him- to know what it truly means to live in his heart and to not slow down or step aside. To not run away, but run into his wide open arms. And that's where we find ourselves in.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Capturing the Vision



You are the light of the world... A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. They do not light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, so that it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify God.

[Matthew 5:14-15]

I caught a vision years ago- A desire from God.
I dared to take a step of faith, and asked him to show me his heart. To give me his heart. To have more of him in my heart and less of myself, so that I could leave behind an impact on the people I come around rather than drifting through my life and my walk with God. And he showed me his heart and gave me his vision.

My passion is to see the people of my generation saved and daring to take a step of boldness to share the gospel in school.
To see students praying with eachother.
To see other people like me catching a vision. And catching passion.

Sometimes it's really easy for me, or us, to lose sight of that vision. So much goes on and so many things are just time consuming. Personally I will go nights with very little sleep after doing homework and pushing my priority to spend time in the word first. I've even forgotten to eat sometimes because I have so much school work to catch up with. We even get distracted by people and the fact that they demand our attention after we're already drained from having work to do. It can get tiresome. But there is a discipline line and a priority.
And although so many things are thrown at us,
we know the vision.

The purpose of Acropolis- to make his love and voice be known on our campus. So that students will get saved and so that they will catch a passion and catch a vision.
It looks like darkness consumes light a lot. But when a light comes into a room, the darkness of the room is lit. Therefore the light spreads and is shed on darkness, so that they may have hope. A city on a hill.