Friday, November 4, 2011

Capturing the Vision



You are the light of the world... A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. They do not light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, so that it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify God.

[Matthew 5:14-15]

I caught a vision years ago- A desire from God.
I dared to take a step of faith, and asked him to show me his heart. To give me his heart. To have more of him in my heart and less of myself, so that I could leave behind an impact on the people I come around rather than drifting through my life and my walk with God. And he showed me his heart and gave me his vision.

My passion is to see the people of my generation saved and daring to take a step of boldness to share the gospel in school.
To see students praying with eachother.
To see other people like me catching a vision. And catching passion.

Sometimes it's really easy for me, or us, to lose sight of that vision. So much goes on and so many things are just time consuming. Personally I will go nights with very little sleep after doing homework and pushing my priority to spend time in the word first. I've even forgotten to eat sometimes because I have so much school work to catch up with. We even get distracted by people and the fact that they demand our attention after we're already drained from having work to do. It can get tiresome. But there is a discipline line and a priority.
And although so many things are thrown at us,
we know the vision.

The purpose of Acropolis- to make his love and voice be known on our campus. So that students will get saved and so that they will catch a passion and catch a vision.
It looks like darkness consumes light a lot. But when a light comes into a room, the darkness of the room is lit. Therefore the light spreads and is shed on darkness, so that they may have hope. A city on a hill.

1 comment:

  1. :)

    oh & i like the pic of the word Acropolis.

    a city on a hill is a town in a high place... as ur vision for ur school is fulfilled, the town its in can be even more of an acropolis...
