Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taking the Initiative

I want to live a life where everyday I can step out without being afraid and doing exactly what God's called me to do, fulfilling it diligently and to the fullest without any drawbacks.

At times more recently than before I've felt as if I had been slightly slacking on Morning Devotion and praying for revival in my school. I was going to it, of course, and continuing to be a leader, but I realized myself becoming more and more distracted with the world instead of doing what I'd always done and what's pushed it more than anything else: spending vital time in prayer behind closed doors.

I felt it slipping slightly as I started becoming more time-consumed with projects, school work, grades, responsibilities, chores and even people. School projects are a hasseland inconvenience to me. So is homework, especially when each teacher drowns you with it as if homework is the only life you have. I'm sorry, but I spend 8 hours a day at school and I'm suppose to spend 8 hours sleeping. I have important things to do with the other 8 hours of my day that don't include dedicating it to school work. But nevertheless, if I want to graduate high school, it must be done unfortunately. I understand how it is to feel that way.

But we've gotta stay in the gap.

All of this chaos is going on and we can't let it distract us. I can't let it distract me... because I know there are people at school that get up every day who aren't saved. And I'm not sure when they'll die, or if they will make it to heaven if they do. But I love them. And I want them to know...

Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive blessing from the LORD,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face.
-Psalm 24:3-6

The other night I was praying and God spoke to my heart... He told me that he was raising up a generation of holiness- of his holy ones; that the Lord's generation, who will see the returning of Jesus, IS the gernation of holiness. And he said that his holy ones must maintain clean hands and a pure heart... They can't run astray. But they have to stay in him- to know what it truly means to live in his heart and to not slow down or step aside. To not run away, but run into his wide open arms. And that's where we find ourselves in.

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