Saturday, January 7, 2012

Praying for those who Persecute You...? Why?

I wrote this last night and finally had a chance to post it today.

"I remember how I used to get SO ANNOYED when people told me to pray for people that persecuted me. I would look at people like idiots and think “How can you just say that as if it’s such a simple task?” Thinking about someone who would hurt me or persecute me and offend me would probably make me even more angry let alone praying for them. But after these past few years of really encountering the love of God through giving him my life daily, I began to realize something.

The more you pray for someone,
The more you begin to see them with God’s eyes.
Which means the more you begin to love them.

I always pray and cry out for God to give me his eyes, or to give me his viewpoint toward people. God’s viewing is a relentless, unconditional, pursuing love. He loves his people, no matter what anyone says, does or thinks. The word declares it in John 3:16 and throughout the entire word. Him creating us was an act of love and putting dreams and desires in our hearts was an act of love. He loves his people so much that he will fight to win their hearts. He pursues us. In Psalms he says that he is consumed with Zeal for his people- zeal being a passionate, driven desire.
Personally, God is always assigning me people to pray for. People who may have strayed from God, who may not be saved, and even people who are passionately living for God every day such as pastors and worship leaders. After spending time in my “prayer closet” for these people, I realize that I begin to see them with eyes of love, or with God's eyes, when I see them again. REAL Love (again, not the fake love that people seem to be “experiencing” and it “not working out” for them because it “wasn’t what they were looking for” and as human beings that God created we ALL desire love, so if that’s the case then the love that was experienced was fake anyway! If you want some real love get a taste of this God and you’ll never be the same.)
Real Love is not offended, it is not prideful or boastful and nothing about it is evil. (Read 1 Corinthians 13)
People say “Love hurts” as an expression of “being in love and your heart getting broken” but I’ll tell you this- the only time love should hurt is when you’re going out of your way for someone else who needs help and you take a blow in the process. Or when you risk something so that someone else can get saved and you end up taking the consequences head on. Or when you’re hanging on a cross so that the people that hated you can have eternal life. That’s the only time love should ever hurt. And at the end of the day it’s worth it. Other wise, you would be saying “Me pulling away from this relationship hurts.” Because real Love never hurts.

After spending time praying for these people (who some of them I don’t even know very well) I remember feeling the love of God in my heart for them when I see them again. And so I smile and ask them how their day is going. Or sometimes I don’t say anything, but I know that God is working in their hearts.
So if this is the case… what will happen when we pray for the people we don’t like?
We forgive them, first. Because it’s a sin to hold offense in your heart. Then you ask God to help you see them with his eyes. Then you pray for them, pray that they have a good day, pray that they’re blessed, pray for the family, future, salvation, or pray in tongues for them. (Yes, I believe in praying for tongues. It’s real and it’s the spirit of God. Get over it. I’m not exactly “politically correct” if you haven’t noticed and it’s never my intention to be, thank God. Talk about freedom.) After spending this quiet time praying for them, you’ll find yourself seeing them with eyes of love- a sight that isn’t offended and that doesn’t remember that wrong they did to you."

I love you all. Have a great week. :)

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