Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome to the Box.

I've been taught by many people and have been told many times how and how not to do things in the life that I'm living for God. The truth is that it isn't a bunch of rules to make our lives boring. But God put things in the word and laws so that we can live in the fullness of him with joy instead of being depressed, stressed, worried or under oppression. It's for the best for us... now this is only the beginning.

But even other Christians get so indoctrinated by what they think will work and what won't work.

"Oh, they're a baby Christian. They got saved two days ago, so it might be a while before they can get people saved or lay hands on sick people and watch them get healed." or "Oh, they're Lutheran, buddy. You'd better pray for them, because they aren't reaching anybody." "They're Catholic so they're boring. God can't move through them because they're this denomina-"

Excuse me, but who said you had the right to put God in a box?

God is boundariless. He has no limits unlike our limited, temporal minds that can't even reach the masses of understanding this "God" we so desire to know and be with. The angels and creatures in heaven that circle around the throne in Revelations get another glimpse of him EVERY TIME they circle around him, and they've been circling him for Billions of years and will for all eternity.

What makes you think you have God figured out so well that you can judge who and who he can't move through?

It doesn't matter if we have a cool youth band with good sounding music and pizza and jeans and spiky hair and bright green bibles and dancing. God could move through the poor, old-looking baptist church sitting down the street that has an attendance of 10 people every Sunday who sing out of the hymnal books.
Revival could break out because they pioneered the way.

It's time to stop judging each other upon what things look like, and start judging eachother by the fruit we bear, because it's what the word commands us to do.

When the disciples went around did they look cool? Probably not... They were normal, looking like you and me, probably rugged from traveling, and dressing like everyone else in Jerusalem or the other places they traveled. But they lived for God and they carried the holy spirit and went around sharing the gospel with people. You don't have to be a certain person, denomination, or wealth for God to move through you. That is a temporal factor and does not matter. That's when the gospel becomes "religion". The "religious" are lukewarm, complacent and can stand sitting 2 hours in a church service every Sunday and living a life in stagnant water. And we have a choice to destroy that label by establishing a real relationship with the God of this universe.

Don't put God in a box.
Let him be the potter and you be the clay.
Let him be the commander and you be the vessel.
Because at the end of the day, it's not all about you or me...
It's about him.


  1. My wife and I were just talking aboutthis last night. I think God gives people a particular focus in serving Him. We can't all focus on everything. It makes for a well rounded Church. The problem is that people make doctrine of their focus. Sure, they can back up their focus with Scripture, but so can most others. We need to relax, keep God first and focus on our focus and stop believing our way is the only way to be a Christian.
