Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sharing much needed wisdom from a friend.

I was talking to a girl named Joy Marcum the other night. I met her at ATC this past summer and what she told me that night seriously changed the course of my week. God knew exactly what I needed to hear. Even when I'm not sitting with my eyes closed listening for his voice, he speaks through others. He's amazing. When I see people like Joy and another girl I met at ATC named Liv, and quite a few others, I want to know what God has put inside of them that made them that much in love with him, because I want to be in love with God that way. I want to desire it and pursue it with all of my heart. They live a wholehearted lifestyle dedicated to worshipping at the feet of Jesus and it's the most radical and real thing to see in a person; watching them be transformed every day by his love. I constantly pray and ask God for that desire all the time, especially after seeing people with such a fire and heat after him. When I said those words, I didn't say them lightly, and now when I'm reminded of what I asked, I remember that the desire is not light, but it is costly.

What Joy reminded me the other night was of the heart that Jeremiah had toward God. This is what she told me.

"God made us to walk in friendship with one another, so seek to to do that. But ultimately he made us for himself. We can't look to others to fill what only he can.

"When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God of Heaven's Armies. I never joined the people in their merry feasts. I sat alone because your hand was on me. I was filled with indignation at their sins." 
Jeremiah 15:16-17

"When I was going through this process of having to leave behind friendships God spoke this verse to me. I picture Jeremiah as if he were in high school... haha. And all the kids are bustling around and sitting together and laughing and having and "good ol time" talking about wrong things, and there is Jeremiah... all alone... with his bible... weeping over the word. His love for truth and desire to be the friend of God caused him to have to give up friendships with those who did not love the truth.
He was marked by God, set apart.
That is a glorious thing, to be chosen to be the friend of God, but it comes at a high cost."

I couldn't explain it in any better terms than how Joy explained it to me. Every person has the ability to be a friend of God, but the truth is that closer we get to him, the farther we get from the popular culture, and the farther we stray from acceptance of man. Although we like acceptance among people, would we rather have the acceptance of man over the love of the eternal God; the only one who can eternally satisfy your heart? It can be a lonely road sometimes and it is a high cost, but it should not be filled with fear of failure or loneliness. He isn't going to leave us hanging. He's going to send us the "cloud of witnesses" in Hebrews 12- the people to cheer us on and give us sound wisdom and encouragement and love. He will give us good friendships and he will supply us with our needs when we trust him. It's so important to be marked with the seal of love for God, and it is a decision and a marking that cannot be taken away or replaced. His glory, the justice for people, and his love is our reward.

Song of the day: Divine Romance by Phil Wickham. (If I posted this already, it just deserved a second dedication. It's such a great song.)

I have another friend that is moving away by the end of this month. Praying for the best for her and her family. She's really sweet and deserves all the blessings God has in store for her.

I choose to trust God because he knows what's best more than I do.

Have a blessed week, guys.

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