Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Injustices can rule no more.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that people consider me a "such a good person". Perhaps because I know my flaws and bad habits. But I want to change them. I want to change my attitude. I want to change my language and my thoughts and I want to stop trying to be like everyone else and I want to stop trying to be cool. And the only way to even do all of that is to put myself out of the matter and put God in it. I know that sounds extreme or crazy, but what is it going to take to change this world? It has to take us and our choices. I won't even lie. The other night at work, when it was just one other coworker and I cleaning and the store was empty, I asked her if she was ever mad- not necessarily at God, but at the injustices in this world, and I asked her if she just ever stopped and asked "Why, God?" Because this has been my thought for the past few weeks. Why. Why are people born into poverty or crappy family situations or without a father to stick around. Why does injustice rule, and why are people in the earth crying out, fearing that no one can hear them?
But I think God hears it. Not think- I know God hears the cry of his loved ones, and he repeats over and over again in the Bible that he WILL bring justice to the earth. 

But when? When will justice come fourth? When are those girls in the Philippines going to be taken away from Sex Trafficking? When is my church going to grow? When are we going to get more young people who care about God and prayer in my church body? I want to seek out those people who burn with a passion to reach out because partnering with them is what's going to impact a nation, a city, a person. 

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