Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tonight at the Experience was simple, but very well needed. A night to finally connect with some uplifting friends from around town and to lift up the name of Jesus.
To be honest with you, readers, sometimes I grow weary of the way things are. Lately I've been finding myself getting tired of my youth group and how everyone seems bored and non-motivated. No filter. It's like everyone wants to go do their own thing and they may want God, but it seems that they're too wrapped up in trying to look cool to be concerned about growing in the word or even answering questions. It makes me want to get up and leave most of the time. But I will say that it's one of the most refreshing things being with God and connecting with young people who are hungry for more of Jesus and who have a great desire for him. I never thought I would see the day where I'd find more passionate God-seekers in my school than in my youth group, but it has happened. It's both a blessing and a sad thing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to ask a question that might sound accusatory but it's not, and I have an explanation for asking it...
    how often are you praying the Word over the youth group?
    I ask because I had the same problem in my youth group. No one ever wanted to participate and they were all too wrapped up in the things of the world. It frustrated me, but then later once I was out of youth I realized that in all my frustration, I didn't fervently pray the Word over my youth group, and it would have helped. I know it would have because the group that had revival (that one you first came into) was a result of others praying the Word constantly over the youth. I think many people have slacked off, but you have seen it work in your school like big time, so I know you understand the importance of that. Pray the Ephesians prayers and that one that Shanta showed us in Colossians. Pray like Paul did that "Christ be formed" in them and that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened - that they would see the hope to which they were called. That apathy is there because they do not see. If they could see, they would change.
    And if you are praying, continue to. God's Word does not ever return void. He just needs to find people to stand in the gap in faith... and not doubt Him if things keep looking rough for a while.
    Also, pray that they keep and grow from what they learn during this time where things aren't as loud and expressive as others. That youth group that had "revival" had a lot of expression and demonstration, but not enough foundation and many crumbled... actually, most crumbled and are not really living any different from the youth you describe being there now.
    And don't measure or judge them by expression. I don't know that you do or would, but I know sometimes it's a temptation for all of us. Someone can be really into the lessons or worship and be doing it for show or be that shallow ground where nothing takes root, while others may not ever seem passionate, but they are more like Mary (Jesus' mom) who took the things God told her and pondered them in her heart. The fruit will be seen at some point, but expression isn't always fruit.
    I know for sure that there are some in that group now who are fighting to find their place but they truly are passionate about Jesus and they want to go win souls just like you or I. Would anyone be able to tell that from just listening to them talk to their friends? Nope. Most of that is the fear of man that attaches itself to every teenager until they learn how to reject it. But I've seen some of those walls come down for a few minutes and the truth come out. And many of them are dealing with struggles and hurts in their home lives that they don't know how to deal with and don't know who they can trust with it. Out of that ignorance comes an insecurity that will hold them captive until they get a revelation of God's love.
    So again I say, pray. They need that. They need someone to stand in for them until they really see how to do it themselves. And get Katie to pray too. You guys have something they need but they won't get it by being told. Just love them and be there for them and pray pray pray. And never forget that someone prayed for you. That reminder alone keeps things in perspective for me. I couldn't do it alone and neither can anyone else.
    I love you. and I love that you care about the things God cares about.
