Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stepping forward.

I've learned recently that at times God shows us these big visions. Whenever he shows me these big things I usually get so excited that I'm ready to explode and do whatever I have to do in order to go for it.

The truth is to every process, there are steps, and to shift toward the awakening and revival in my generation and that is soon to spread throughout my city and school, I've got to take little steps.

Small steps are always first.

And when they start feeling heavy and burdensome, I can't do what, at times, I tend to do with things I've got to accomplish- we can't just add it to our list of stresses and worries. We have to get into the presence of God and in that high place of prayer and talk to him about it. This isn't his God's view of Days of our Lives- He wants to communicate with us, not watch us for entertainment while we're stressing and pressing. If we're willing to communicate with him, he'll be more than glad to talk to us.
"God, what do YOU want me to do with this situation? What can I do that will better effect the work of YOUR kingdom and show people your glory and be that example in every step I take?" Believe me, he'll tell you. If you can't hear him then that isn't him not talking- it's you not listening. There is no one-sided relationship with God as long as you know how to listen.

Another things in taking steps toward the works of God's kingdom and what he wants us to do is the one word nobody gives the look of a kid in a candy store to hear-

"Oh, obedience is easy! I can do that!"

Alright, God says that he wants you to not take the promotion your job offered you today. Still easy?

God's gonna tell us to do stuff we don't like but it's our choice whether or not we obey him. He told Abraham to go kill his son on a mountain by stabbing him. You think he skipped at the chance to do that? Heck no. He was scared, probably concerned, but his love for the Lord exceeded that and he obeyed.

What happened when he obeyed?

An Angel came and stopped him and gave Abraham a lamb to take his son's place as a sacrifice [Of course now that we're under the New Testament, or New covenant we won't be using animals anymore, but instead things in our lives.]

Truth is sometimes he'll ask us to do stuff we don't like and when we decide to do it, it opens up a new pathway and gives us a revelation of what we need to continue to do in the future in taking these steps.

Sometimes he'll tell us to do something and it's like we magnify it into this thing that we see as too big to take on.
It doesn't have to be hard! God's word says that he's not gonna give us something we can't carry. As long as we're looking at that task from the mountain top, it's gonna be easy! If you stick in the presence of God and listen to his voice and obey, then it's not going to become a big problem. You'll be like "Dang, that was fast, what's next?"

The first step doesn't have to be a huge step.

Revival is coming.
Actually, revival is here.

But for it to reach my school I don't have to have a full blown-out prayer holy ghost meeting there tomorrow.

However, awakening is springing fourth, so it's coming.

It's like a geyser beneath our city and beneath our schools.

And it's coming on fast.

Maybe it's tiny compared to the entire state of Tennessee.

And the United States of America.

And the world...

but that tiny step tends to cause a ripple effect.

And it's bound to shake the heavens and the earth.


  1. Hey!!! Thats a really good post!!! I'm a new follower!!! I would love a follow back at


  2. Hey thanks! :D I followed you back! Good messages on your website- keep sharing the word of God! (PS. I'm in love with your playlist!!! hahaha)

  3. No, I didnt write blonde rebellion. I wish I did though. Haha. I wrote liar (Which I posted some of it on here). Im not finished with it but its coming together. Can you let me know what you though of my song on Thanks.
