Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good morning Baltimore...

So my title has nothing to do with my post. I don't really have much better to do on a Thursday night before Spring break other than talk about what I plan on doing with a week of no school.

I feel like skipping different classes tomorrow... I'll like show up for 1st period because it's band. 2nd because it's ROTC and it's fun. 3rd because I might get food. 4th I'll magically disappear into the depths of the school because everything about Algebra is evil... 5th I may go to because I like English and the rest of the day I'll leave. [Nah, that would be nice but I'm not a skipper...]

Things have been super stressful. Not now with Drill and ACI's over finally and with testing and junk minimized but before I was struggling... not as bad as the beginning of the school year when I was being overwhelmed [not really beginning, probably Octoberish.] But still...

I feel like I haven't gotten to send face time with Jesus in AGES. Yes, I wake up a bit earlier in the morning before school and pray but that time was shortening this past week up until this morning and every night I'm doing something and have to wake up early the next day so it's like I get a little bed-time prayer in and a scripture or two and I have t go to bed or else the next day I'll fall asleep in class. I just want more of his presence, like the times of refreshing in Acts 3 I believe. I think this Spring Break not only will I get a chance to chill, relax and clean but I'll have more time to spend getting refreshed in God's presence to face the next few months. The hardest part is just balancing it all out. Bootcamp season is ending the week after next so with that things should get lighter and I should have much more time to study, sleep and pray. I just need to learn how to not get like this...

Wednesday night was FANTASTIC! :D I was SO excited to see our youth group really worshiping even if it was for only like ten or fifteen minutes. The other week it was so dead in there that I almost cried at the sight of it. Everyone had been standing around with their arms crossed or sitting in the chairs or talking or being obnoxious, but last night was totally opposite- everyone was actually up and dancing around a bit and singing, it was exciting. I also love that our youth group is growing, too and with the lock-in next Friday more people are bound to get involved. :)

I'm going to need to spend time praying about that Oneway event at Oakland too and getting that together... It's not a whole lot but it still seems a bit rough.

I can't wait until Onething either. The people from International House of Prayer are like my family almost, lol. It's just a difference in them and I love listening to their guest speakers and having prayer meetings/worship services and such with them. I'm really looking forward to going to IHOPU after I graduate... but that's another thing I'm adding to my prayer list for spring break.

Let's see... other than God-time I'm going to need to clean up my room and interchange my spring and winter wardrobe. Not completely though. Tennessee is bi-polar. I'm gonna catch up on sleep and hopefully I'll get to hang out with people from school sometime and I'm going to read Prince Caspian and finish it and maybe a few other books. I'd also like to make a new playlist because I have a buttload of new songs to add.

I'd also like to see Bruce sometime before Spring Break is over. I haven't seen him or gotten to pray with him in almost two weeks.

I'm going to have to write, too. A lot. I want to just start writing like a short story or something because it's grown within me for the past 3 months.

I guess that's about it...

There's so many things coming up soon... especially in April... it smells like a month of refreshing... and revival. :)
It's the month where God pours out his rain. :D

Good night.

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