Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I remember at the Ramp the year before last Mrs. Blonda laying hands on me and praying after we got out of the fire tunnel. I'd gone through praying and singing "Make me a Voice" by Rick Pino, and I remember just feeling the presence of God all over the members of the Ramp that layed hands on us. They were radical and different, and it was like fire was rolling off of them, but after I got out, I wasn't laying on the floor. I wasn't shaking. I wasn't giggling or crying. I continued praying and pushed my thoughts aside- I hadn't expected to be doing any of that and I already knew that just because you weren't crying or anything didn't mean you didn't get anything- you didn't have to show emotion to know you got something. I knew I'd gotten something but I wondered what.

While Mrs. Blonda was praying for me, she laced her fingers in mine. I remember she layed hands on my ears and spoke into them prophecying the things of God some I could understand and some I couldn't. Knowing that the revelation of what she had prayed could be for now or ten years from now, I didn't allow the fact that I didn't know what she'd prayed about bother me.

Later on we spoke after returning back to Tennessee in church one Sunday after service. One of the told me that one of the things she got in prayer was that I needed to continue with my passion for music because it was so big on me. At the time I loved music and I played flute and would begin to play the bass guitar- but I didn't play anything that was dramatic or really used much like a piano or acoustic, but I told her that I would.

Here I sit a year and a half later and it's finally coming to me.

I don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up.

Really, I don't.

I don't know anything about business or accounting or media. Put a spread sheet in front of me and I'll color it.

I don't know anything about taxes or bills or credit scores or income.

I don't know anything about cosmetology or modeling.

I don't know anything about architecture or being a massage person or manager. If I tried managing a business it would probably die.

I probably can't cook, either.

I guess at 15 all of this is okay though. Not really- I'm expected to know what I'm gonna be when I graduate.

You know what? Maybe I do. I want to go to IHOPU. I strongly believe God is leading me to go there after I graduate high school. I'm going to keep praying on this of course.

For a moment I was a bit skeptical at this... seeing how our society runs today, I can't get a scholarship and reserve it. I have no idea how long I would stay at IHOP or if I would stay there long enough to come back and go to college at MTSU using the scholarships I can earn. I have a 3.7 GPA as of right now and I'm supposedly in the top 14th percentile in all of Oakland High School, and that's where the scholarships are. (If I could get in the 10 percent I could get major scholarships to places like Yale and Harvard supposedly) I could become a psychologist or something and earn thousands of dollars. Or I could go and not major in anything and be stuck working under some crappy manager at McDonalds.

But you know what?

God has a plan, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

If he wanted me to play last chair piccolo in his kingdom, I would do it.
Because it's his plan and it's perfect.

And that good thing is that we enjoy his plan. Lots.

I've discovered that I really have a passion to sing.

I might not sound like Carrie Underwood but I love to do it.

I may not have taken choir. I might not be able to read voice music, but I can learn, I can sing my scales and I can sing to Jesus.

I also love to write.

Maybe I'm not as good as Stephenie Myer.

(Actually I'm better. Writing about God things would be so much more awesome than writing about Vampires. Ick.)

But I love it. I love doing it for God and I love doing it to convey a whole new meaning to the world we live in. Each poem and song is like a new life to society- there is no other piece like it, and it's to minister the word of God. It can do a lot.

Maybe I could be a singer, and instrument player and a writer at IHOPU.

I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Even if it means not taking up the scholarships I earn with my 3.7 GPA.

I'll get a 5.0 in Heaven and I'll be provided for while I live on earth. Sounds good to me.

Right now, right here, I want to be a minister to the kids in Word and Spirit church. I wanna help teach them the things of God and be an example of how to live for him, and I also wanna help lead in their praise and worship- but most of all in doing this I want God to teach me how.

On Sunday when I was in there with Tamera and Brother Ken standing up in front of them leading worship, I felt so different than I did several months ago when I was in there. Back then I had stood up there scared and blushing and my voice kept cracking because I was scared to be up there.
But now there had been a change- and this time it was like the peace of God settled on me and i just worshipped my heart out soley for him and encouraged the other kids to do it too. And it was beautiful seeing them worship him in spirit and in truth at how young they are.

Standing up there worshiping God and helping teach them through the love of God his word, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be...

It felt like I came home after months of being away.
But it was never like that before!
And it was also because back then I would rush into church and not hold my responsibilities the way they needed to be. Those months ago I was fighting with a lot of emotions. But ever since I cast them off and got the peace of God and started applying it to my life there was a change in the way I pray, in the things I receive from God, and how I minister to others.

And now I can follow his plan.


  1. So blessed by this :) My name's Hannah too. Your blog is amaaaazing :) God bless!
