Monday, July 18, 2011

A God-Summer's dream

I am so appreciative of what God's blessed me with in life in the end no matter what.

I've grown to appreciate a lot of things over the past few months...

This past week I went to my church's youth camp. Every year we spend about 6 days in a ampsite park, Cedars of Lebanon, where we stay in cabins, use an assembly hall for prayer, worship and gathering, swim in a pool, occasionally hike, take walks and horseback ride.
This camp was interesting for sure... I want to say more interesting than the other two I've been to... My first year at camp was full of newness and learning, and there was about 30 people at that one. The second year was full of experience, new places and spiritual discipline. This year was full of manifestation, revelation and relaxation and there was only about 20 people. A new place for sure and spiritually one of the best camps. We spent a lot of time chilling out and having fun, but we, FOR SURE, had prayer time and glorious manifestations...


This was our Wednesday afternoon prayer meeting... can't see everyone but the majority was gathered ALL praying together, even the younger ones that recently came to youth at 11 and 12 years old. It was so good... God moved so much and many hearts were set free and chains broke. Cutters were set free. Depression was broken. People who felt swallowed into a dark place surfaced and are continuing to do so. God is just so amazing!

The tall young man with the microphone and casted leg is Theo. He was the one who spoke about prayer and layed hands on us pray for us... talk about the glory of God!
God has put a LOT in him as an intercessor and young man of God... He knows a lot of things that many people don't even think of when it comes to prayer and he is definitely full of wisdom. He'll tell everyone "I don't even know what you're talking about!" When they tell him he really knows some things about prayer or has a big future ahead of him, and he acts silly or tries to play it off like he doesn't care what people say, but really he does and he loves Jesus. And God will be doing a lot in him! We love Theo! :)


This was from our time of worship Thursday evening. God moved through prayer powerfully again. This time Bruce is speaking- he's part of our prayer group and God does a lot through him, too. He's a young man pursuing God and he's very talented.

This evening my prayer group got to pray some even though we were missing my sister and Mrs. B (our main youth leader). One of our girls Bekah is going on a trip to Africa in November. God has so many plans for her with such a big future ahead as she travels the mission field and goes to Africa where her heart lies. We prayed for the trip and saw MANY good things in prayer... God will definitely be moving in Niger this November is all I can say... :)

This evening I was able to relax with some of my prayer group friends. God just has a way of putting people together who can spiritually flow and have good friendships... I've learned to love and appreciate each person for who they are no matter what and treat them with love and respect. It isn't all about competition or who can pray the best or who has the best hair or leads the best or whatever, but it's all about us taking OUR place in the center of God's heart and doing what HE'S called us to do! He loves us like we are and has new and GOOD plans for each of us.

We plow our fields and we have one anothers' backs. God has taught us love and how to love one another. This evening was a good time of relaxing, talking about God, having weird conversations, a lot of hair dying, random picture taking and other things. It's good to have great friendships that are fulfilling rather than draining. We spiritually hold one another up in prayer and love one another, so that's what counts!


And sometimes we do weird things when we get bored like compare our hands and feet... I guess weird attracts weird... but God has a weird sense of humor as well. :)

Next week I will be counseling Kid's Camp and am looking forward to a lot of manifestation, movement and growing! I love the WSC kid's ministry!

Hope everyone has a blessed week and remember he loves us.

Awakening the Normality Factor,

Hannah Adkins


  1. pls post the feet somewhere. i really want that pic. (i have the hands as the background on my computer right now) :)

  2. this is really good

  3. thank you guys (: and I will post that up on Facebook Bekah lol
