Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stuck in the Gap.

This is one of the first posts I've posted in a while that is slightly off topic to the rest of my blog. But ah well, here goes nothing!

Sometimes it's just flat out frustrating being stuck between the gap of childhood and adulthood. I'm not complaining, and most of the time it can be fun. But it has it's annoying quirks...



Adults occasionally expect too much out of us. Like when we make a joke [and I mean jokes as in not perverted or racist or anything like that] we get yelled at because it isn't "proper". First of all, who decided that what was proper? I'm not saying we should be rebellious, but for real. Chill out! Take a joke!

Then there are the times we get yelled at for saying something we didn't mean or when people take things the wrong way and you didn't even do or say anything to them to trigger such a thought!
Foot in mouth disease, we've all had it.
Sometimes there is no excuse as to why someone would say something whether or not they meant it, but there are those times...
Relax. Chill. Give it a break.

I want responsibility and I want respect, but I have to have an image to get it? No thanks!

Who created images anyway? Stereotypes? NOT cool.

Janice and George are close friends so they must be boyfriend and girlfriend or they must like eachother.

Tom is an adult and went into Kim's house by himself, so they must be up to doing things that are no good! Hey, somebody go over there and yell at one of them!

Bob the freshman hangs out with the seniors, therefore he must be the tag-along and he must think he's too good to hang around people his own age.

Boundaries and Limitations.

I suppose if they didn't exist then the world wouldn't make sense... but sometimes they just get too edgy... get anywhere near the boundary and the table is thrown over.
Talk about improper etiquette...

It's either black or white.
Either you're an adult who can handle responsibility or a child who can't.
Either you're potty trained or you're not.
Either you're old enough to be proper, say all of the right things, act all of the right ways, be of the best and most perfect grace and elegance or you're too young to handle anything like that, therefore being dismissed by... well... anyone older than you.

I guess if I want responsibility that's what it will take. I don't like it. In fact, it would much rather be convenient if propriety didn't exist and if... I guess some kinds of adults could just get over themselves and not jump on people for doing what they want to do.
It would also be nice if I could just skip classes I didn't like next year and ignore teachers who get angry easily!

But convenience isn't everything.

Just something to think about.

Have a blessed week guys!

-Hannah Adkins

[Awakening the Normality Factor]


  1. actually there is a whole lot more balance than u think. however u think ppl are yelling when they are trying to help u not make a fool out of someone else. once you learn how to take correction well (which doesnt always mean paying attn to it, in fact alot of times it means acting like ur listening & walking off politely forgetting what was said) then you'll probably not feel so frustrated about propriety. unfortunately ppl do think & assume things that arent always true. unfortunately there is a right and wrong way to do and say things. glory follows order. that goes in every area of life, even in what u say. the bible says alot about propriety. the key is to not get all bent out of shape when u find ur not doing something completely right. ok. just fix what needs to be fixed & ignore what ppl think if it doesnt need to.
    read proverbs alot. there is wisdom there that will help in surviving the stuck places.

    thats my 2cents.
