Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Devotion

[[Worship on Christmas eve was absolutely amazing. I felt a little out of my comfort zone at first, as anyone would, but I wasn't scared. I wasn't nervous. I was just worshiping God in front of people, giving my heart to him and expressing my love for him. It felt right, like I was suppose to be there. I'm praying that God continues to send us more musicians. I know it's his heart for this group to grow. It's exciting. :) ]]

I was in conversation with a friend the other night and after talking for a while we dove into an over-text bible study. The first thing that came to my mind while we were discussing how to reach groups of Christians that need help resisting sin in their daily lives was "Be careful what you feed into yourself as a Christian, because it will show in your daily living."

Romans 12:2 says "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus."

The only way we can really resist sin is by renewing our minds to the word of God. Simple devotions such as spending time in worship and in the word every day, before you go out and before you go to bed at night will help anyone when they're committed to doing it and setting their hearts toward God. The world feeds us trash every day. And the battle of sinning begins with a thought. When we're constantly feeding ourselves with trash, whether it is gossip, music that sings about sex and drugs or depressing things, or watching a TV show that isn't exactly appropriate, it's what we'll bear. The fruit we bear shows what we're constantly feeding ourselves or planting. It shows character. What we sow, we reap.

Matthew 5:27-30 talks about when a person sins for them to cut off the thing that causes them to sin. Of course it uses metaphorical terms such as stating "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off," but as my friend stated, "If it weren't metaphorical, there would be a lot of handless, eyeless amputees." (lol :)

The point is that if someone or something in your life is causing you to sin, you've got to cut it off. It's called "pruning" and we can't let that sin block us or hinder us from what God has in store for our lives. It won't keep you from sinning ever again, because we're imperfect. But it will help you to resist sin and better pursue God.

And finally....

"Flee also youthful lusts, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.
And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all, able to teach, being patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition if God perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive from him to do his will."
- 2 Timothy 2:22-26

As bold leaders who are taking a stand in ministry, whether it be in a church body, school group or just as people who love God and live for him, other people will come to us and tell us things we don't expect. They see how you're living, and they come to you because they know you have a heart for God. Sometimes people will tell you things you never wish you knew about them. But when we have a revelation of seeing other people through God's eyes, he gives us his love for them and gives us the words to say to help them. God's love is relentless and unconditional. And as people who follow God, we should pursue the same love for God and for people.

Just wanted to share that devotional. :)

My youth group and I are off to Dayton, Georgia tomorrow for the Winter Ramp 2011 conference. Best New Year’s ever. Have an awesome New Years everyone. :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In the midst of Constant movement

For some reason, visiting the train tracks at the Greenway trail here in Murfreesboro is slowly but surely inspiring me to write something about them.

I remember a couple months ago when I took my first trip to IHOP-KC I felt the spirit of God drawing me there. He'd already told me that I was going to college there months before, but the fact that I stepped into the prayer room and felt the sacred drawing of works of justice and 24/7 prayer and worship planted me there. I knew this was where I'd be one day.
Listening to the archives from the Fascinate conference weeks before, I remember sitting in my sister's living room as we blasted a session of Jon Thurlow leading worship. He was playing the song I later discovered as "Fully in Love", and I remember hearing one of the singer's voices- a high tenor. However, all singers have a unique quality to their voice, especially when they sing to Jesus. This worship leader's voice was saturated with innocence and a pure love and devotion for Jesus. I had no idea who he was, but for months on and off I would wonder who that singer was. It eventually slipped my mind until I went to the prayer and prophetic conference at IHOP and heard this guy's voice again when Jon Thurlow was on set. I later found out that this worship leader was named James Kufeldt and that he leads sets in the prayer room sometimes. His music, like Jon Thurlow's, really opened a door for God to speak into my heart. I even found that he had a blog and read something that really spoke to me.

"I began to go through different options in my mind: I could go to college and get a degree in counseling and child psychology, I could come back to work with them and tell them of Jesus' love, I could give up everything to become an advocate for the orphan...

And in the muddle of all of my "coulds", the doubtful question surfaced: "What are you doing with your life?" With such injustice in the world, how could I justify spending the majority of my time and energy in a prayer room? As everything that I've done in the past four years came into question, I felt God speak to me, tenderly insistent:

"But James, the ultimate injustice is that My Son is not universally worshiped and adored."

If all wrong things were made right;
if every orphan were placed in a loving home;
if poverty and hunger ceased to exist;
if oppression and slavery were completely eradicated;
if crime came to a screeching halt;
would we then be content?

When God told me I was suppose to go to Kansas City after I graduate high school, I got excited because I KNEW that's where my heart was, before I set foot on the ground. I had thought about going to MTSU or Belmont or something local here in Tennessee, and I thought "Oh, I'll become a writer or a psychologist or a counselor or teacher." or something. Or maybe a doctor or a secretary or someone who will make money and do something America deems as "great" in life. But after a full year of praying the plan of God out with my small group, I finally knew and understood that this was where God was leading me to go.
Try telling that to everyone who asks what career you're planning for your life.
"Oh yeah! I go to Oakland High School. Yeah, they do offer the International Baccalaureate program. Well, no, I'm not taking the full IB program that will get me into colleges like Harvard or Yale. I'm taking the IB english and IB music courses. MTSU? Nashville School of the Arts? Nah. I'm going to Forerunner Music Academy at IHOPU in Kansas City when I graduate. Accredited? I don't think they are. Scholarships? I'm not sure... IB Credits? I don't know if they accept those... a carrer? Well... I'll be leading worship and being a musician and a songwriter..."

...You get the point.

After thinking about this I became greatly concerned. I didn't worry, because I know God supplies my needs. But really when it came down to it, what was God going to do with my life? Would I take bible and music education and graduate and leave it at that? Then what would I do? Come back home or would I decide to stay in Kansas City? Why did God want me to go there in the first place? What is my purpose in become a worship leader- someone who can lead people into the presence of God, that isn't there just for a stupid performance, but to be used by God to bring fourth his glory in the end times...
My purpose is to worship him.
I could become anything I want to be, or anything America wants me to be...
but I would be miserable.
I want to be what God wants me to be.
I'm only Sixteen and have the rest of my life to discover who all I am in him. But now I know that in this hour, I've got to reach souls at my school. I've got to train to be a worship leader at my church and be a light and a leader for the Word and Spirit church kids and the youth group... and I've got to keep finding who I am in him. Worshiping him.

And if he wants me to sit at his feet and worship him for the rest of my life, I will do just that.
I will be one of the ones he set aside to bring the injustice of Jesus not being universally worshiped and adored brought fourth to justice as the Lord's generation has a revelation of who God is as their lover and creator.
I will love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength...
I will Do Justly.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

With the eyes like a flame a of fire...

You are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and faults.
You are faithful to hold us close to your heart.
You will never lead us astray. But closer to you.
The more we see your heart, the more we catch the vision.
You desire our hearts, and we desire yours.

"Let me walk with You on the narrow road
I know it may get lonely but I know Iʼm not alone
Iʼll seek You in the wilderness, I know thatʼs where You are
You whisper like the breeze, Youʼre speaking to my heart
You say...

Let me walk with You
On the Narrow road...
I know it may get lonely
but I know Iʼm not alone
Iʼll seek You in the wilderness,
I know thatʼs where You are
You whisper like the breeze,
Youʼre speaking to my heart...

You say
The wide gate looks so beautiful
but destruction is its end
Go against the stream, my friend
and stand where angels fear to tread

At Your feet I lay my crowns
With my tears I sow
into those who will one day
Know the glory of
the narrow road."
[Narrow Road- Rick Pino]

I knew of the Narrow road. But I never really knew what it was until I walked upon it.

Sometimes it felt as if I wouldn't make it. But the truth is that I can. Because I'm walking next to Jesus, and he's leading me.
It's hard not to run with everyone else. Get caught up in everything going on around us. Side-tracks are just what they are... they're temporary, existing only for temporary pleasure and to distract us. But there's a prize at the end of the race. And it's eternal.

When we're living a life fascinated in the love of God, living every single day in passionate devotion to him and the eternal consequences, the Narrow Road becomes no more difficult than loving God itself. Because when we're in a state of seeking him, everything else seems to dissipate. Because it's so magnificent. So life-changing. So genuine. Real love.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Out of everything I expected this time of year to be, I definitely didn't expect it to be like this.

We're given opporunities in life to either succeed or fail. To either make a mistake or make something amazing. Sometimes we're heeded by everything around us to be careful. We're heeded to not even take a risk, because it's better to be ignorant in he heart and mind than to risk he possibility of hitting rock bottom.

But if we don't take the risk, how will we know?
We won't.

The past three months have changed my life.
What happened these past few months wasn't a mistake,and I have no regrets.
They were amazing and they were absolutely terrifying. Like most new experiences. And now the memories and moments of that time are stored away in my heart and in my mind. Not to cling to. But to reflect on.
Sometimes my mind will try to rethink things, telling me "You can never have those moments back." And it makes me distraught...
But you know what?
That's okay.
I will live a life full of tests and trails. Of successes and failures. But I won't turn around. I won't run away.
Because in heaven when I sit at the feet of Jesus, broken before him
I know every step toward him will have been worth it. And this I am confident in...

When we keep pressing, when we don't give up- we win.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What you Listen to.

Living He loves me, Dying he saved me
Buried he carried my sins far away.
Rising he justified,
Freely forever
One day he's coming, Oh Glorious day.
Oh glorious day....

This is the song we're singing for the Christmas program. :) I'm so excited. A little disappointed that the youth group couldn't do a drama or something. But excited to get to sing with the kids and newly founded worship team. This is going to be awesome. And I get to do it again on Christmas eve except we'll be singing worship songs for the eve service...

Just this year I've been invited to a lot more parties than ever before... sweet 16's, other birthday parties, whatever they are or what they may be for. And I've noticed that even after hanging out with good friends, I come home feeling completely worn out, but most of all I feel spiritually drained. My friend Bekah always told me that she had a conviction about secular music, and that she wouldn't dance to it or listen to it in her car or anything. Of course at the time (about 3 years ago) I'm like "What the heck?" just thinking that the idea was strange and a bit overboard to me. I was set on fire for Jesus at 13 but I still listened to (and continue to this day) some of my favorites such as Linkin Park, Owl City, Coldplay, Rascal Flatts, Christmas music, a few select oldies, and others. I noticed my fondness for secular music dying down after my desire for Jesus increased. I'm a musician. And all I wanted to do was sing about him after encountering such a love I'd never seen before.
Some of what Relient K, Skillet, The Classic Crime and Hawk Nelson sing aren't ALWAYS about Jesus, but at the same time I'm not feeding myself with the filth most popular music has to offer today when they start singing about desire for death, sex, drugs, hatred of life, pointless junk, etc.
It glorifies sin. And while I don't particularly care to get in a car or get on the school bus or go to the mall or a party and hear to it, I still feel like a stink bomb was just dropped in my heart releasing all of this grossness that contradicts the word of God or has no meaning or whatever...

Do I like the catchy sounds of popular music? Duh!
"Everyday I'm shufflin'."
That's always fun to sing and dance to.

A GIRL singing "I kissed a girl and I liked it"....
or "Lets get in the car and have sex baby"...
...I mean come on, really?
It's all about sin and idle stuff that just fades away. It's temporary. It dies. And it's pulling you down while it dies.

Does everyone need to have conviction about listening to secular music? No. I mean when it comes down to it, I don't. But at the same time I know that I can only handle the majority of it in small doses.
It like drains me rather than energizes me, you know? I don't feed that into my heart every second of the day. I get up and sing and listen to stuff that I can sing to God to, because it's how I live. Then I can go sing choir stuff. Then I'm ready to face the world...

Without that vital time of prayer behind closed doors, we're vital to what we face everyday. Whoever you are, wherever you are, I encourage you to make God the first person you talk to when you wake up and the last when you go to bed. It's life changing and it's a big help.

I turn 16 in 2 days.... :) feeling pretty awesome right about now.
Have a great day everyone.