Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Devotion

[[Worship on Christmas eve was absolutely amazing. I felt a little out of my comfort zone at first, as anyone would, but I wasn't scared. I wasn't nervous. I was just worshiping God in front of people, giving my heart to him and expressing my love for him. It felt right, like I was suppose to be there. I'm praying that God continues to send us more musicians. I know it's his heart for this group to grow. It's exciting. :) ]]

I was in conversation with a friend the other night and after talking for a while we dove into an over-text bible study. The first thing that came to my mind while we were discussing how to reach groups of Christians that need help resisting sin in their daily lives was "Be careful what you feed into yourself as a Christian, because it will show in your daily living."

Romans 12:2 says "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus."

The only way we can really resist sin is by renewing our minds to the word of God. Simple devotions such as spending time in worship and in the word every day, before you go out and before you go to bed at night will help anyone when they're committed to doing it and setting their hearts toward God. The world feeds us trash every day. And the battle of sinning begins with a thought. When we're constantly feeding ourselves with trash, whether it is gossip, music that sings about sex and drugs or depressing things, or watching a TV show that isn't exactly appropriate, it's what we'll bear. The fruit we bear shows what we're constantly feeding ourselves or planting. It shows character. What we sow, we reap.

Matthew 5:27-30 talks about when a person sins for them to cut off the thing that causes them to sin. Of course it uses metaphorical terms such as stating "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off," but as my friend stated, "If it weren't metaphorical, there would be a lot of handless, eyeless amputees." (lol :)

The point is that if someone or something in your life is causing you to sin, you've got to cut it off. It's called "pruning" and we can't let that sin block us or hinder us from what God has in store for our lives. It won't keep you from sinning ever again, because we're imperfect. But it will help you to resist sin and better pursue God.

And finally....

"Flee also youthful lusts, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.
And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all, able to teach, being patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition if God perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive from him to do his will."
- 2 Timothy 2:22-26

As bold leaders who are taking a stand in ministry, whether it be in a church body, school group or just as people who love God and live for him, other people will come to us and tell us things we don't expect. They see how you're living, and they come to you because they know you have a heart for God. Sometimes people will tell you things you never wish you knew about them. But when we have a revelation of seeing other people through God's eyes, he gives us his love for them and gives us the words to say to help them. God's love is relentless and unconditional. And as people who follow God, we should pursue the same love for God and for people.

Just wanted to share that devotional. :)

My youth group and I are off to Dayton, Georgia tomorrow for the Winter Ramp 2011 conference. Best New Year’s ever. Have an awesome New Years everyone. :)

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