Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In the midst of Constant movement

For some reason, visiting the train tracks at the Greenway trail here in Murfreesboro is slowly but surely inspiring me to write something about them.

I remember a couple months ago when I took my first trip to IHOP-KC I felt the spirit of God drawing me there. He'd already told me that I was going to college there months before, but the fact that I stepped into the prayer room and felt the sacred drawing of works of justice and 24/7 prayer and worship planted me there. I knew this was where I'd be one day.
Listening to the archives from the Fascinate conference weeks before, I remember sitting in my sister's living room as we blasted a session of Jon Thurlow leading worship. He was playing the song I later discovered as "Fully in Love", and I remember hearing one of the singer's voices- a high tenor. However, all singers have a unique quality to their voice, especially when they sing to Jesus. This worship leader's voice was saturated with innocence and a pure love and devotion for Jesus. I had no idea who he was, but for months on and off I would wonder who that singer was. It eventually slipped my mind until I went to the prayer and prophetic conference at IHOP and heard this guy's voice again when Jon Thurlow was on set. I later found out that this worship leader was named James Kufeldt and that he leads sets in the prayer room sometimes. His music, like Jon Thurlow's, really opened a door for God to speak into my heart. I even found that he had a blog and read something that really spoke to me.

"I began to go through different options in my mind: I could go to college and get a degree in counseling and child psychology, I could come back to work with them and tell them of Jesus' love, I could give up everything to become an advocate for the orphan...

And in the muddle of all of my "coulds", the doubtful question surfaced: "What are you doing with your life?" With such injustice in the world, how could I justify spending the majority of my time and energy in a prayer room? As everything that I've done in the past four years came into question, I felt God speak to me, tenderly insistent:

"But James, the ultimate injustice is that My Son is not universally worshiped and adored."

If all wrong things were made right;
if every orphan were placed in a loving home;
if poverty and hunger ceased to exist;
if oppression and slavery were completely eradicated;
if crime came to a screeching halt;
would we then be content?

When God told me I was suppose to go to Kansas City after I graduate high school, I got excited because I KNEW that's where my heart was, before I set foot on the ground. I had thought about going to MTSU or Belmont or something local here in Tennessee, and I thought "Oh, I'll become a writer or a psychologist or a counselor or teacher." or something. Or maybe a doctor or a secretary or someone who will make money and do something America deems as "great" in life. But after a full year of praying the plan of God out with my small group, I finally knew and understood that this was where God was leading me to go.
Try telling that to everyone who asks what career you're planning for your life.
"Oh yeah! I go to Oakland High School. Yeah, they do offer the International Baccalaureate program. Well, no, I'm not taking the full IB program that will get me into colleges like Harvard or Yale. I'm taking the IB english and IB music courses. MTSU? Nashville School of the Arts? Nah. I'm going to Forerunner Music Academy at IHOPU in Kansas City when I graduate. Accredited? I don't think they are. Scholarships? I'm not sure... IB Credits? I don't know if they accept those... a carrer? Well... I'll be leading worship and being a musician and a songwriter..."

...You get the point.

After thinking about this I became greatly concerned. I didn't worry, because I know God supplies my needs. But really when it came down to it, what was God going to do with my life? Would I take bible and music education and graduate and leave it at that? Then what would I do? Come back home or would I decide to stay in Kansas City? Why did God want me to go there in the first place? What is my purpose in become a worship leader- someone who can lead people into the presence of God, that isn't there just for a stupid performance, but to be used by God to bring fourth his glory in the end times...
My purpose is to worship him.
I could become anything I want to be, or anything America wants me to be...
but I would be miserable.
I want to be what God wants me to be.
I'm only Sixteen and have the rest of my life to discover who all I am in him. But now I know that in this hour, I've got to reach souls at my school. I've got to train to be a worship leader at my church and be a light and a leader for the Word and Spirit church kids and the youth group... and I've got to keep finding who I am in him. Worshiping him.

And if he wants me to sit at his feet and worship him for the rest of my life, I will do just that.
I will be one of the ones he set aside to bring the injustice of Jesus not being universally worshiped and adored brought fourth to justice as the Lord's generation has a revelation of who God is as their lover and creator.
I will love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength...
I will Do Justly.

1 comment:

  1. that is very good. obeying God IS most important of all, and I support you 110% :)
