Saturday, December 10, 2011

With the eyes like a flame a of fire...

You are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and faults.
You are faithful to hold us close to your heart.
You will never lead us astray. But closer to you.
The more we see your heart, the more we catch the vision.
You desire our hearts, and we desire yours.

"Let me walk with You on the narrow road
I know it may get lonely but I know Iʼm not alone
Iʼll seek You in the wilderness, I know thatʼs where You are
You whisper like the breeze, Youʼre speaking to my heart
You say...

Let me walk with You
On the Narrow road...
I know it may get lonely
but I know Iʼm not alone
Iʼll seek You in the wilderness,
I know thatʼs where You are
You whisper like the breeze,
Youʼre speaking to my heart...

You say
The wide gate looks so beautiful
but destruction is its end
Go against the stream, my friend
and stand where angels fear to tread

At Your feet I lay my crowns
With my tears I sow
into those who will one day
Know the glory of
the narrow road."
[Narrow Road- Rick Pino]

I knew of the Narrow road. But I never really knew what it was until I walked upon it.

Sometimes it felt as if I wouldn't make it. But the truth is that I can. Because I'm walking next to Jesus, and he's leading me.
It's hard not to run with everyone else. Get caught up in everything going on around us. Side-tracks are just what they are... they're temporary, existing only for temporary pleasure and to distract us. But there's a prize at the end of the race. And it's eternal.

When we're living a life fascinated in the love of God, living every single day in passionate devotion to him and the eternal consequences, the Narrow Road becomes no more difficult than loving God itself. Because when we're in a state of seeking him, everything else seems to dissipate. Because it's so magnificent. So life-changing. So genuine. Real love.

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