Tuesday, October 2, 2012

From Then to Now. Here's to Life, and Life more Abundantly.

When I'm bored and not feeling well, but so tired of sleeping, I tend to go through my old blog posts and read other blogs to kill the time. As I leafed through some posts from last year, I came across this one.


 I wrote that old post as I sat in my old bedroom, in my old house, with formally new experiences wrapping themselves around my brain, formally new friends crossing my paths, formally new "googely-eye" feelings making their way into my young heart, and formally regretful and frustrated feelings taking their place within me. I was wrapped up in the moment. I suppose we have all been here.

All of these things have dissipated now, as most things do over a year time period. New things have replaced them. It's almost like I lost myself then, but I found myself over the summer. And so far into the school year, because of the decisions I made, I haven't lost myself, but rather found that part deep inside that went missing for a while there on and off. My life is no longer consumed with JROTC and trying to impress other people. The pride and anger I had felt is gone. My life is no longer consumed with trying to be someone I'm not. My life is no longer consumed with the worthless things I pursued at full speed. (And perhapse if I hadn't done that I wouldn't be where I am now.)

Now things are toned down. Even in the midst of being busy, things have fallen into place. I feel like I found myself again after so long of trying to figure things out. Nowdays I pull my mat out of my closet and lay in the front yard with a cup of chai-tea for a nap (when weather permits as fall is setting in) or I bring my books and homework out there. My time has gone from being consumed with people that I don't often talk to much anymore and things that I was caught up in to spending more of my time with homework, books, a paper and pen and practicing music when I'm not at work. And when I'm not doing those things, My time is full of more family activities and some well-needed friend time when I'm able to encounter that...

As things have changed, my family is really all that I have left. Well, my blood family and my church family at least. So many new faces are at school that I don't quite see the old ones as often anymore, although I have made many acquaintances. Perhaps those can become life-long friendships. If I can find some coffee-drinking, writing, chill, adventurous, Jesus-loving friends. I like to make new friends, but, as strange as it sounds, sometimes I forget how to, as I've held tight friendships for so long that have now become loose. I have to remember to reach out and talk to others instead of waiting for them to come to me. I have to remember to let the love of Christ speak.

I'm actually really excited for Big Brothers Big Sisters to start up at Oakland. I really do love kids and it's been so long since I've taught Kids Church at WSC. My first lesson there since May is this Sunday though, and I'll be really glad to be around my little ones again. They've changed my life :)

Now for some pictures that I have to catch up on. Enjoy

This is Josiah

And his big sister Ellie with one of the twins (Maddie if I'm not mistaken) behind him. Ellie is my little Gilmore Girl. She looks and acts like a kid version of Rory. :)

This was yesterday morning when our guest speaker did a corporate calling for those who wanted the infilling of the holy spirit. Six new faces came up. Pretty exciting!

If anything has grown over the past year, it's definitely been Word and Spirit church. Although our youth group has gone through its changes and some people have left because of graduation and some new middle schoolers have moved up, there's an entire new set of people on our horizon. Our attendance has gone from about 150 to about 230 within the past six months. Our youth group had to move to the church office because the kid's classrooms are over flowing And the large field that sits next door to our small church building is still looking hopeful. Things are looking pretty bright...

Although I love doing this, some mornings I'm greatful to be in the congregation receiving from God. I love our team. We may not have a complete, full live band yet, but we believe that we will soon. In the mean-time we've added some new faces and new songs. His glory is worth it. :)

I've developed a new love for my town after staying long weeks away during the summer. I love you, Murfreesboro. I love you with all of my heart. And though I may depart every so often, you will always be in my heart.

We will learn the stupidity of Algebra, Matt. You and I both. We can get through this together.

To my special birthday neice, Emily. Ten years fly by all at once.

 It's okay Carrie, you can be my new BFF. Mom and Angie can work their things out. :)

Thankfully she gives me this look nowdays instead of spanking me.

Sometimes Angie and I need days like these to spend some sister-love time. Here's to a fall season full of fuzzy socks and hoodies.

I know this picture is about two years old. But I guess it's been a while since we've gotten a good picture. Billy, I miss you with all of my heart. Come home soon. I hope the army is being good to you. :)

Harry, I couldn't find a picture of you on my laptop. But I will take a picture with you and blog it. (after my face stops swelling). You've changed my life. You mean more to me than how I acted before. And although you won't read this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being afraid to get close. But now that fear is gone, replaced by the love of Christ. I love you and I would rather not have any other brother because you're the best and there is no one like you. You're happy, you're a book full of intelligence that I could never grasp and you say the silliest things sometimes. Anytime I bring food home from work, you can have it as long as you beat Angie to it. Here's to a fresh love of a fresh day. I will love you every single day. The past is gone and today is new. I hope to show you God's love every day as I'm learning it myself. I hope to inspire you.

Family love, you mean more to me now than anything.


  1. seriously hannah, you've got to stop writing stuff that makes me emotional. crying at 5am will only give me puffy eyes the rest of the day.

    i love you, hamela jean.
