Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Command to Go, not the inquiry.

There was something that happened in the earth when God commanded us in his word to Go. To preach the gospel to every living creature. He didn't set any limits. There isn't a phrase at the end of that scripture that says "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature... only if you feel called to."

As living witnesses of The love of Christ, to go is our calling, wherever we may go, wherever he sends us, because he commanded it. He could tell us to Go into the school and that be our place, and from there we can reach further. The desire to go was formed in us from the beginning...

I can't say that before this year I had a burning, passionate desire to go on a missions trip, specifically. I knew that I would eventually, and I even thought to myself years ago "maybe 17 will be the year." I had a desire to see souls saved and people encounter Jesus, and that passion is still burning there and always will. But something sparked me. Something about looking at the way my friends were transformed when coming back home from these trips. How tears would fill their eyes when they would talk about what happened and the people they encountered and saw healed and saved. Watching them sell things that they owned to go on these trips and not miss a single thing. Watch them trust God with faith that moves mountains. Watching financial miracles happen. Most of all, it was watching them grow and listening to their stories and testimonies. Seeing something happen inside of them... It was a challenge, almost. A challenge that asked "How far are you willing to go? To what extreme are you going to take this whole Gospel thing to?" Even God asking me "What will you leave behind in order to follow my lead?"
So I sat down and asked myself. "How far am I willing to go?"
I prayed about it, and I felt that the answer was clear.
It's time for me to Go.

It's still time for me to go, No matter who decides to walk away from me for push me down for it. No matter who disapproves. No matter who makes fun of me for carrying a coffee can and a Toms box around school. There are so many people that are all for my trip, so many people that God has set in my path for me to cross paths with this year for important reasons, and they matter to me. They outnumber the people who disapprove. Even if everyone had turned their back against me, the fact that God approves outnumbers the opinion of man.

And he's faithful to send me if I just give myself to him, and to go for souls. It's not about me. It's about them... And it's All about Him, for his glory.

They are worthy because Jesus died for them.
He is worthy because he died for me, and my life is all I can give in return.

1 comment:

  1. Just read this and it sounded so much like what you said here:
    "Being willing to give up some of the things you love in order to focus on what has the greatest impact isn't an easy lesson to learn. But the earlier you embrace it, the sooner you can dedicate yourself to excellence in what matters most." - John Maxwell
