Sunday, June 26, 2011

Eternity is Calling- Servanthood

Eternity's eternal song
Is drawing me,
it's calling me away

All flesh is grass,
fading away.
Only You last,
only You remain
Surely man
is like the flower of the field,
And life
is but a vapor,
at best but a vapor.

But you O God,
Are better than a thousand blooms.
Hallelujah, Amen...
Hallelujah, Amen.

This song has really been on my spirit- Eternity by Misty Edwards. This video clips from some of her sermons- it's so powerful and so true.

I was at youth camp last year when I first heard anything related to something like this. One of my youth pastors Gabe got up in front of the group of about 20 youth we had last year at camp one night during worship and told us what the spirit had revealed to him about eternity. He emphasized prioritizing the eternal.

The truth is... Life is SERIOUSLY a VAPOR!

I don't even know if people can even comprehend this, and even at times when I get caught up in this vapor of a life I tend to forget as well, but I ask that the holy spirit reminds me on a daily basis of what matters in eternity.

We're all here going throughout this world doing the things we do everyday, but this little day and age we live in compared to ETERNITY is nothing IF all we do every day is live in the temporary. So at the end of the day, what do we ask ourselves? "DID I give today? Did I serve? Did I love?"

Servanthood is an honor. The reason servanthood is one of the highest demonstrations of love is because HE served. God served us by sending his only son to DIE for us, and Jesus served us by taking on all of the sins of the world for our eternal relationship with God and loving us unconditionally to this day.


Sorry if the picture is huge... lol. See if you can spot the girl with blue hair. ;)

This morning at Edgemere the choir, kids and youth all performed for Patriot Praises day. I was a part of the youth performance America by Chris Tomlin- a pretty good performance for only two practices. Everyone did a wonderful job and FIFTEEN people gave their lives to Jesus today! Worship this evening was SOOOOO powerful. God's presence filled the sanctuary- it was very thick. They sang several songs, two of them being the Revelation song and How He Loves Us which were like the climaxes of the evening... God is definitely moving and his love is so amazing. I pray everyday that his loves moves upon the young adults, teens and kids, and revival is pouring out with love. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

I love the way you
pushed me on the swing,
made me giggle,
the way you taught me butterfly kisses
before bedtime prayer
and how you still love to tickle
The way you sometimes bear hug me before bed
or give me a kiss on the head
the memories we've made,
the time we shared,
the conversations we created
that went pretty much everywhere
under the sun,
beneath the moon,
we look at the stars,
but not too soon
they disappear
to come back out
again when we're near
Like the years-
they fly by,
and one day I'll be grown
walking with my diploma
away from home-
but I've never forgotten
the memories we've shared
the pictures we took
Time is beautiful,
and God has a plan-
it's only the beginning
of a journey's end.
Word's can't describe-
only the following-
Love never fails
and through the journey
God's love prevails-
and through it you'll be in my heart
and I'll be in yours.

[Father's Day- June 19th, 2011]

Happy Father's Day, Daddy (:


I'm glad I have a dad who loves and cares about me.
A lot of people don't understand why or how, but
he's a part of my life too,
and I'm glad he is.
Some people don't grow up with dad's.
Some dads just walk away out of their child's life- no one deserves that.
But if you're reading this right now and you've grown up without an earthly father,
this is true-
you have a father in heaven
and he's proud of you and loves you unconditionally. :)
Everyone can Celebrate father's day.

Love you all!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 6~ Fasting and A visit to past Encounters with God

It's been almost a week since I've come to Baltimore for part of my summer...

It's been productive. (:

I've been getting closer to God again and finishing up reading some of my Mike Bickle teaching book... one thing that has really caught my attention this past week is getting into fasting. I've always known it to be important and knew in my mind that it was a time of getting closer to God, but I never really comprehended it having not experienced it in its fullness (and I still have a long way to go).
This past Sunday I decided that it would be a good time to fast and had a confirmation from the holy spirit after praying about it... So I went on a fast for 12 hours, no food... not that big of a deal but I've never gone 12 hours without food before so it was a step for step one into a fasting lifestyle.
In that time I spent time with God- there was something about it... some people think it's a cult or brainwashing thing or whatever to fast, but really it isn't. John the Baptist fasted, Jesus fasted, and his disciples fasted as well, and in that time of fasting many things were accomplished as far as communication with God and getting more attuned to his heart and voice.
It's putting yourself in a time of sacrifice from one of your body's most vital sources of functioning in order to attune yourself to the voice of the holy spirit and to hear from God. Our bodies can go DAYS without food and at least 3 days without water. We were made to fast.
In this time it felt that I went twice the speed in half the time- for real. I want to fast more than 12 hours and I want to make it more a part of my lifestyle as a seeker of Jesus. This is a way of getting clearer vision of who he is and who I need to be, and one thing I desire of the Lord- that I can seek the face of God and dwell in his temple.

Tonight I went to the Agape house- the youth group at my dad's church, Edgemere Church of God. When I came in they were playing Rooftops by Jesus Culture- really made my evening. :) The evening service was a bit different because the youth pastor's father has been sick so they haven't been for a little while, but one of the church leaders talked about not giving up on our dreams.
This evening and the songs they sang on Sunday bring back so many memories for me. When I was 13 staying here I visited the Agape house (I was too young to be in there but no one could tell, lol) and invited my friend Justin. One of the youth pastors wanted to pray over us and so everyone went to the front, and the youth band started singing Wrap me in your Arms and I remember encountering God right there with tears running down my face praying in the holy spirit and the youth pastor coming and laying hands on me.
In that time when I was 13 I felt like I'd messed up so bad that summer, as if I'd done something that God couldn't forgive me of, and this wasn't too long after repenting of that and I still felt like a toll had been taken on me emotionally. But in that moment it was like God was taking a Banner of love and wrapping it around me, reminding me that he will always love me even through my imperfections and that I was forgiven and that I would have to move on and come deeper into him...
I know through out the past few summers I've visited and through knowing that that was the church I was born into that I felt a connection with Edgemere's church body. Even while I'm in Tennessee I'll feel at times God unctioning me to pray for the pastors, head leaders, musicians and the church body there. God's really alive in that church and I know God will do great things there. (:

I'll keep everyone updated... 3 and a half weeks left here now. I'll make the best of it. And afterward I'm so looking forward to youth camp and Kid's camp... then Sophomore year! (Woot!)

Goodnight world:) Good Bless.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Actions speak louder than words.

"Not everyone can go where God is taking you." --Joel Osteen

I've realized that actions really do speak louder than words.

Living out and putting out action is stronger than everything I've ever written or said to anyone.

A lot of times in my life I just talk and tell people things and give them advice and try to help. I don't know if anyone listens. But I've seen and realized that continuing to live this life running faster toward Jesus than ever before will speak louder to the hearts of others than any words I can ever say or write.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Good Morning Baltimore... I can smell the city air.

I can smell the city air...

it's familiar.
Not amazing.
But familiar.
Not quite refreshing
but there's something about it I like.

This is where I'm from. I was born here.


Right here.


I'm staying in this area, where my dad lives.


Highland town.

Looks more vivid and bigger in person.

Riding down the street you see people chillin on the front steps.
Every day.
They're doing one of three things-
dealing drugs
talking about dealing drugs
or just chillin.

Kids that live around here ride their bikes everywhere.

They do whatever they can in the city to keep them from being bored (this includes vandalizing or throwing rocks at homeless people.)

BY THE WAY Not all of Baltimore is like this, just the area my dad lives in.

Better carry a knife if you're by yourself cause you might get jumped. Doesn't matter how old you are or what you look like.

Such different cultures and backgrounds than how I've lived.

It's so different.
I was born here but I'm not used to this.
Different cultures.
Different lifestyles.
Much different Lifestyles...

Today I found some of my old friends Justin and Ronald. They haven't changed a bit since I was ten. Seriously.

They haven't even gotten taller.
And they sound the same.

We explored the woods a bit with another kid and a five year old. I asked the five year old his name and he just cursed at me and smiled. Justin told him to shut up and told me his name. I forgot his name but I felt bad for him, and apparently whoever brought him up taught him the whole cursing vocabulary and nothing else. His parents weren't anywhere and it looked like they didn't care since no one was looking for him. I ended up helping him along the way since he kept getting left behind...

After exploring the woods we found a condemned building and looked inside but didn't go in. Then we climbed a giant mountain of rocks and gathered eroded glass and had some great views. I'll post pictures soon :) lol.

This is the situation half of the time:
Either one parent or none.
One of the parents is in jail, on the streets or out of the picture, the other is either at work or inside not caring.
If it's neither parent they're living with a grandparent who isn't keeping up with them.
They're living in a dirty neighborhood with drug dealers, gangs and thugs.
They get beat up and pushed around by other kids.
They learn how to live and tough it out on their own cause they don't have anyone to protect them.
In schools the teachers aren't always doing their jobs.
It's a low income area. Very low...

One of my friends I knew when I was younger that still lives around here is 13. He's the only one around here that's changed any. My dad brought him and his little brother to church a few times... I asked the other boys how he was doing and they said better after getting out of selling drugs...

He grew up in a rough situation... my dad knows his parents...
He's a good kid though...
and he's too young and too smart to let something like this take away his future.
I'm praying for him...
and he's only one of hundreds in this city alone.

It makes me realize how blessed the people of Murfreesboro are. Though some situations may be everywhere...

I pray that God breaks a revival in this part of Baltimore along with the rest. My heart cries out for them... They need Jesus so bad...
Most of the kids here- it's like they're stuck in here and can't get out.
And I thought to myself "It's like they'll never get out until they make the choice to when they're older."

Just observing this place has really opened my eyes...
And I haven't been to a lot of places in my life. But I know there are places worse off...

So I pray for them while I'm here.

If only they saw people treating them with the love of God... the light and love they've never seen anything like before...
If they had love encounters with God...
this city would be changed.

And I believe in my heart that God can change this place.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Praying for Demi Lavato

Demi Lavato Pictures, Images and Photos

I remember going on a trip at the Ramp in Alabama this past year with my youth group. It was on the last day and we'd gone into a deep session of prayer and worship.
I found myself on my face on the floor zoned out in the spirit of God during worship, and suddenly through prayer this strong unction hit me to pray for the celebrity Demi Lavato- famous teen Disney actress and pop-star.

I remember watching Camp Rock, a Disney movie including her and the Jonas Brothers when I was younger. And I was thinking "Wow, she has such a pretty voice and her smile is so bright!" and there was something about her that I couldn't tell what. It was like this thing where I knew inside God had these big plans for her. She never became my most favorite singer and actress, but she was certainly one of them.
And so, laying there in the floor at the Ramp, I did, and for such a long time it was like I couldn't get a release from praying for her until a while later.

Little did I know at the time that she'd gone into rehab. I wasn't sure what for. Recently I've felt the need to pray for her again... and so I looked up online to see exactly what happened. You can't always trust everything online but after watching an interview talking about her being bi-polar and cutting herself when she was younger all through the years broke my heart and made me want to cry... I know what it's like to be 11 and wanting to cut yourself. People bullying you, calling you ugly... it makes you feel so self conscious and the depression and pain build up inside to the point of where you can't take it anymore. I never cut myself, but I wanted to. I'm glad I never did... but I can't imagine what it would be like to do it over and over again...

My heart cries out to pray for her and people like her. God has such big plans for them and he loves them so much and desires a true, face-to-face loving relationship with them... Only he can fix their broken hearts if they fully surrender their all to him. After my first love encounter with God I was never the same... and it's my hearts cry every day for them to have a real love encounter with God. To really know what his love is and to desire it as he desires us.

I can't find myself to completely express in words how drastically it changes your life...
Yeah, I loved Jesus. But I never encountered the love of God...

And once you do,
It changes your life...
you're never the same after you experience the love of God...

The God of the universe desires your heart.
He shaped you in his image and you're the apple of his eye.
You're beautiful. And he wants to talk to you... and pour his love on you...

Pray for celebrities. Pray for love encounters and lives changing and revival.

Demi, if you're out there reading this, know that Jesus wants to encounter you with a love you've never experienced before.
And it'll change you from the inside out...

Love you all,


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Here is where the Journey has brought me

My confession is...

I live for him alone, nothing less but for something so much more.

I live not to condemn other people, but to encourage. I may convict, but I will never condemn those around me- only encourage them to have a stronger intimacy with God, so that their lives may be changed.
I have completely rid myself of things that may block my path or hurt my spiritual walk with God.

I want the love of God to pour onto other people as I live out my daily life serving him... It is an honor to be a servant of the most high and to live out the plan he has laid before me. I wouldn't be happier taking any other path, and I wouldn't be where this journey has brought me today.

I put others before me and I am not the selfish person I used to be.

I have esteemed myself in the Lord and he's given me the courage to press on.

I find my strength and identity not in this world, nor in those around me, but in him and only him.

misty edwards

At one point I was a spirit-filled, God chasing passionate seeker of Jesus. He came first in my life, But anytime I walked into a place of worship I felt so convicted. I felt so gross as if there was something blocking me. That there was some reason I wasn't advancing in the kingdom of God like I needed to and wanted to. There was some reason I always felt hurt and like nothing was right and would never be right.
Then something happened...

My thinking-

And I had a place of intimacy...
with God.

I saw people differently
through the eyes of God himself it seemed.
I got his heart and mind.
Throwing everything else aside,
every worry, every pain, every sin
and he took me, as Grant Ross of Oneway said,
Twice the speed in half the time
as soon as that changed...
up to his throne,
into his intimacy...

Let this be a conviction, not a condemnation- To love Jesus with more passion today than yesterday... the true meaning of that... to have more of a desire to spend time with him today than you did yesterday, or an hour ago. Live that lifestyle of radical intimacy. To get into that real intimate place with him and let him consume your life, thoughts, and heart... Not pain, sorrow, gossip or thoughts that the world tries to pervert us with. It will take sacrifice, but there is a point where he will really reveal that place to us, personally, individually, when we make the decision to renew our minds and truly come to a point where we change the way we think and think toward him more than we have before. He loves us and it's his desire to be intimate with us, he is not a dictator. Make the decision to establish a more intimate relationship with God and really change the way you think and see people. Get God's heart and it will change who you are.