Sunday, June 26, 2011

Eternity is Calling- Servanthood

Eternity's eternal song
Is drawing me,
it's calling me away

All flesh is grass,
fading away.
Only You last,
only You remain
Surely man
is like the flower of the field,
And life
is but a vapor,
at best but a vapor.

But you O God,
Are better than a thousand blooms.
Hallelujah, Amen...
Hallelujah, Amen.

This song has really been on my spirit- Eternity by Misty Edwards. This video clips from some of her sermons- it's so powerful and so true.

I was at youth camp last year when I first heard anything related to something like this. One of my youth pastors Gabe got up in front of the group of about 20 youth we had last year at camp one night during worship and told us what the spirit had revealed to him about eternity. He emphasized prioritizing the eternal.

The truth is... Life is SERIOUSLY a VAPOR!

I don't even know if people can even comprehend this, and even at times when I get caught up in this vapor of a life I tend to forget as well, but I ask that the holy spirit reminds me on a daily basis of what matters in eternity.

We're all here going throughout this world doing the things we do everyday, but this little day and age we live in compared to ETERNITY is nothing IF all we do every day is live in the temporary. So at the end of the day, what do we ask ourselves? "DID I give today? Did I serve? Did I love?"

Servanthood is an honor. The reason servanthood is one of the highest demonstrations of love is because HE served. God served us by sending his only son to DIE for us, and Jesus served us by taking on all of the sins of the world for our eternal relationship with God and loving us unconditionally to this day.


Sorry if the picture is huge... lol. See if you can spot the girl with blue hair. ;)

This morning at Edgemere the choir, kids and youth all performed for Patriot Praises day. I was a part of the youth performance America by Chris Tomlin- a pretty good performance for only two practices. Everyone did a wonderful job and FIFTEEN people gave their lives to Jesus today! Worship this evening was SOOOOO powerful. God's presence filled the sanctuary- it was very thick. They sang several songs, two of them being the Revelation song and How He Loves Us which were like the climaxes of the evening... God is definitely moving and his love is so amazing. I pray everyday that his loves moves upon the young adults, teens and kids, and revival is pouring out with love. :)


  1. thank you for the reminder about prioritizing the eternal. it is so important to remember :)

  2. The best way to wake up on sunday
