Monday, June 6, 2011

Praying for Demi Lavato

Demi Lavato Pictures, Images and Photos

I remember going on a trip at the Ramp in Alabama this past year with my youth group. It was on the last day and we'd gone into a deep session of prayer and worship.
I found myself on my face on the floor zoned out in the spirit of God during worship, and suddenly through prayer this strong unction hit me to pray for the celebrity Demi Lavato- famous teen Disney actress and pop-star.

I remember watching Camp Rock, a Disney movie including her and the Jonas Brothers when I was younger. And I was thinking "Wow, she has such a pretty voice and her smile is so bright!" and there was something about her that I couldn't tell what. It was like this thing where I knew inside God had these big plans for her. She never became my most favorite singer and actress, but she was certainly one of them.
And so, laying there in the floor at the Ramp, I did, and for such a long time it was like I couldn't get a release from praying for her until a while later.

Little did I know at the time that she'd gone into rehab. I wasn't sure what for. Recently I've felt the need to pray for her again... and so I looked up online to see exactly what happened. You can't always trust everything online but after watching an interview talking about her being bi-polar and cutting herself when she was younger all through the years broke my heart and made me want to cry... I know what it's like to be 11 and wanting to cut yourself. People bullying you, calling you ugly... it makes you feel so self conscious and the depression and pain build up inside to the point of where you can't take it anymore. I never cut myself, but I wanted to. I'm glad I never did... but I can't imagine what it would be like to do it over and over again...

My heart cries out to pray for her and people like her. God has such big plans for them and he loves them so much and desires a true, face-to-face loving relationship with them... Only he can fix their broken hearts if they fully surrender their all to him. After my first love encounter with God I was never the same... and it's my hearts cry every day for them to have a real love encounter with God. To really know what his love is and to desire it as he desires us.

I can't find myself to completely express in words how drastically it changes your life...
Yeah, I loved Jesus. But I never encountered the love of God...

And once you do,
It changes your life...
you're never the same after you experience the love of God...

The God of the universe desires your heart.
He shaped you in his image and you're the apple of his eye.
You're beautiful. And he wants to talk to you... and pour his love on you...

Pray for celebrities. Pray for love encounters and lives changing and revival.

Demi, if you're out there reading this, know that Jesus wants to encounter you with a love you've never experienced before.
And it'll change you from the inside out...

Love you all,


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