Thursday, November 15, 2012

On Fire Youth, from then until now.

From 2008 until now, here's the journey of OFY.

Year 1, back in the Barfield Gym.

First youth retreat to The Ramp in winter of 2008. Changed my life.

Group picture ^

This one made me laugh :)

 Radical worship.

 When I opened up my heart, he started speaking to me.

  The days we'd just lay out in the floor and pray as one.

Youth camp 2009

 Awesome prayer meetings. Getting set free.

 Some scavenger hunt pictures :)

This guy has no clue how much I miss him.

We built the church building in October of '09.

(skipping a few trips)

Youth camp 2011

 Great rides on the trailer hitch :)

 Trying to figure out who has bigger muscles(?)

 My Hannie before she decided to run off to Lee. ;)

 Unloading the truck to prepare for an awesome week.

Late nights worshiping and listening to the word

(More skipping)

Ramp group for 2011-2012

More skipping...

Katie and I :) (Left is Youth camp '11... right is last week)

Monday night I realized how much I needed to get back in sync with my prayer life and with re-connecting my heart to our church.
Here's my honest heart.
I've been frustrated with our youth group for the past four years
 When I first came to youth I thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I remember everyone and everything- there was about 20 of us, and I remember how we all generally got along and would have these worship nights where we would be in the church office until 2 in the morning. It was the biggest revival in such a small youth group. I remember when I first came, scarred and broken and hurt from being bullied, they pulled me in with an open heart and open arms. It was the love of Christ- a love I had encountered as a child in worship, but not through people, and it changed my heart forever. After we moved into the new building, not only did half of the youth group leave because they either graduated, got bored and left or became an adult, but it's almost like we lost that fire along with those people... we really had a rough spot because of the change. Things generally stayed the same until we went through a ton of changes this past year within the our church, like the new worship team, small groups, the youth group splitting middle and high school, the overflowing of kids classrooms and the rapid growth of our church. Now that the kids classes have over-flowed we're all in the church office again.
It would frustrate me at times because everyone in the high school group seemed so bored, like everyone was just there out of routine. It made me want to go sit in the middle school class because seemed to have more fun than we did. I had to sit down and talk to Jesus about it. I was like "God, why does everyone seem so bored? What changed? Why did we lose our fire?"
Instead of answering me in one word, I felt him just showing me. When I started to pray about the season, it's like he flooded my heart with light and gave me a hope and a faith that things are going to change and keep changing forever. This boredom and frustration was just a small part of a small season that is over now. But things will always change. Things are going to turn upside-down after this winter season. I already know it. Not just because we're going to the Ramp for the hundreth time. But we have a new group that's had its changes, and we're hungry for more of God's love. Things aren't like they used to be. The rough season is over and the fog is beginning to clear. Whatever God has in store for us this season, I pray that it sheds a light brighter than we can comprehend. I pray that we tap into things that will change our hearts forever- not just as a group, but individually. 

God is good and things are going to be shaken this season- through the Christmas program, the new activities, and the retreat.

He makes all things new and beautiful. I believe it with all my heart....

Thank you for your prayers and views. Have a blessed week. He loves you.

Serving him; Love always
Hannah Noelle

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