Saturday, June 30, 2012

3 days left

As each minute passes, I somehow wish I could savor each moment.

Hang on to each hug, kind word, every smile and every fulfilling part.

But I feel that each moment passing seems to slip right through my hands. It's here one moment and gone the next. And Unfortunately, we can't buy back and relive time.

Interesting fact I read today on Twitter today- The human mind spends most of its time replaying memories over and over again with the desire to relive some of them.

I wouldn't doubt this to be true.

I wish I could stay a little while longer, and reach out further without doubting myself or doubting the God within me. When I first came here, I worried and I wondered how I could do it all in 28 days. The truth is that I can't.
My love is weak. My ability is small.
And My reach is short.

But with a God so big living on the inside of me, I can reach far. I can love more, and my love is stronger. My capability to do everything I can while I'm here expands beyond my sight.

With a comforting message from the holy spirit, I found that God knows that I can't do it all in 28 days. But with him at my side, I did everything possible in 28 days. And the effect will last longer than I know.

This is all I can say for now. As a portion of this story begins to close, all I can say is that maybe this was the best yet. And the best is yet to come.
I honestly don't know whether to smile or to cry. To mourn or rejoice. But I feel like 28 days was enough. Enough to have an impact, but not enough to get too close.
 I'm saying good-bye to my dad. I'm saying good-bye to my family members. I'm saying good-bye to old friends made over the years before, some newly made friends that God's spoken to me through, and the acquaintances I barely knew.

And along with that, I'm saying good-bye to one of my best friends.
But until then...

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