Friday, June 8, 2012

Have you ever felt...

That overwhelming feeling when you find yourself away from everything you've ever known in something that you feel like you've barely felt the surface of?

Everytime I leave home, I can never get used to it. But the beauty I find in it is that getting out of my comfort zone and put in a crowd of people I'm not usually around brings me closer to Jesus.

Jesus didn't stay in Nazareth forever. He traveled and went outside of the cities. When he was old enough, he left his mother and father behind and everything he ever knew to set out on a journey to become closer to his heavenly father and to reach people. He even went away to fast and pray, because it can be difficult to do that around familiar surroundings. Sometimes we have to leave our comfort zones and shake it off to realize how much bigger and different things can be.
Shaking off comfort puts you outside of the box, and even though it may not feel too good for a while, every minute will be worth it. Murfreesboro isn't the only place God called me to stay in forever, even though it's my home and what I'm used to. I know I'm called to reach other places, and although I'm not too sure where I'm suppose to go to after high school, I do know that wherever it is, it will have purpose and glory.

So here, while I'm away, I'm making some lists and extending my hand as far as I can to people that need someone here. And it'll be worth every minute.

[26 days left]


  1. You're an amazing, courageous, and beautiful young woman, because Jesus Christ Himself lives in you and He has made you, molded you, and is guiding you. Stay strong in Him, He will take you to places so incredible and amaze you each moment. He is so good.

    Much love, Hannah (as well!)

  2. Amen! Thank you Hannah, I appreciate that a lot! :)
