Friday, June 22, 2012

Define Pre-eminent.

Now Playing: Fully in Love by Jon Thurlow

It's what you wanted in the Garden
it's what you wanted on the Mountain
it's what you wanted on the Crossbeam
Just a heart that is fully in love.

So I cry out for fire, 
come set your seal upon me.
I just want a heart that is fully in love.
Come and take your place,
in the center of our hearts,
come and take your place,
and have the preeminence, Jesus.

"And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence." -Colossians 1:18 NKJV

I hadn't originally planned to write about this tonight, but here goes.

I remember having a dream a long time ago (I believe I was about 13 or 14). In this dream, the one part I remember, was that I was staring down a hall of trees at midnight, while the moon shone down on the glistening snow here in the wilderness. As I walked down the path, I saw what looked like a dark figure. It's eyes glistened red as it stared me down. I kept walking toward it, having a suspicion in my heart, even a feeling of alarm and fear creeping on me. But I kept walking. The closer I got to the figure, the more panick I began to feel creeping around the edges of my heart, but still I ignored it. I kept walking. As I continued, I walked right past it, and the figure didn't move.
As I continued to walk, I looked to my right, and written in the snow along side of the path was the word "eminent". And the dream ended.
Confused, I woke up, and realized that I had never seen the word in my entire life. I didn't even know if it was real.


eminent above or before others; superior; surpassing:
He is worthy. He is holy. He is pre-eminent. He surpasses everything, even our worst fears. The things that look big and problematic to us are nothing compared to what God has in store. When we're walking in his grace, and with our faith on the inside of us, even as our fears, or bad habits, or bad situations, loom before us, he will surpass them.... and We can surpass them because he lives on the inside of us. We have victory, because he gave us the victory when he took our place on the cross. All we have to do is take it and run with it. We have it.
Have the preeminence, Jesus...  

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