Sunday, June 10, 2012

When I Speak Your Name [A Baltimore Weekend Recap]

When I speak your name, Mountains move, chains are loosed
When I speak your name, darkness flees, it has no control over me...

Jesus, most beautiful name that I know- you're the exalted one...
Jesus, you have the power alone, you're the exalted one...

Today was a day full two awesome church services and having some pencil-game fun in between with my friend Joey. It's been quite busy around here. Yesterday I got to see my Mamaw and my cousins. I've really missed them.

As I'm back here again, I've gotten the fill-in on what things are looking like in this neighborhood and with my relatives and friends down here. Pretty much everything is screaming that it is in desperate need of fixing, mending... I've felt slightly overwhelmed at this and had to take it to my prayer corner. I'm going to be doing some fasting since I'm away from home and have the time and the need to (I'm usually not too open when it comes to fasting so I guess I'll stop there.)
But this I can share. Fasting, I remember, is like a spiritual elevator. All of the things you feel like you need to pray about, big things that you feel the need to be consistent in prayer about, practically takes off during a fast. I remembered that. And I want to be dedicated to this. I want to be dedicated to the people that need someone. I want to be dedicated to my family and to the people who are in need, and to my friends who feel like they're losing it as each second ticks by... something has to be done. I've said it a thousand times, and dare I say it again- we can't just sit around and do nothing. We don't need to worry, but with a relaxed mentality, we need to add feet to our prayers (As Pastor Edward Michaels said this morning at Eastern Assembly). We need to stop sitting and watching the clock as we wait for things to just happen without praying or taking action. As IHOP calls it, it's worship, prayer, and works of justice 24/7.
 Some things do take time, and some things we can only pray about. But is there a hand we can reach out? Is there a word we can say to that person that is hurt or angry, or something, anything we can give them? Will we dare to skip a meal to pray for someone we know is suffering if God lays it on our hearts to do it? It's time to shake off the comfort and put on the battle gear. This battle isn't chaos. As long as we have our head on straight and we're relaxed so that we can think straight and we don't give up, we're guaranteed victory. I believe that with all my heart. And I believe that prayer never returns void, because my young sixteen-year-old eyes have seen it manifest in front of me...

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