Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why I do what I do. Why I so Desire to lead Worship.

I remember having the desire, before I lost interest as I grew older and eventually found it again not very long ago. "One day I want to do that," I would tell myself as a child. "That's what I want to be."

"Would everyone please stand as we praise and worship the Lord?"


This is where we mix so many different sounds that inspire the ear, and this is where we make a musical sound come out of our very mouths, turning what people see as a "talent" into a way we worship God, and a gateway for his presence to fill the very room we stand in.

As every voice, whether or not each one is in the same key or in tune or perfect, joins in, the very sound of all these voices combined is the most amazing thing in the world, and the most amazing thing to God's ear.

Meanwhile, as the instrumental sounds and vocals mix, and each melody corresponds with the harmony, and how the verses can mix in together and sound beautiful, this is where we come before the throne of God, laying down our worship and praise to him as a sweet fragrance to him as he continually in turn fills us back with this love. This thing we do welcomes in the holy spirit, and suddenly, everyone in the entire room is hearing the exact same thing and experiencing the same emotion from the sound, but encountering God in a different way. Everyone in the place is connected to one another, and to the heart of God when they jump in.

Many people don't see it this way. They're like "Okay, let's just stand up and sing a couple songs then sit down." Boy, are they missing out.

Worship is indescribable because there are so many perspectives in what it does in our hearts.  I can't describe it too well with words.

And in the end I will always say that music was crafted by the hand of God and is amazing.

God put it in my heart, and I love it.
 Not just because of a cool beat or a cool guitar lick or because we can just get a little jive going in the room, but because we have the ability to open up the door of heaven, whether or not we sound good, and let the voice of God fill the room. He speaks to the hearts of people in the room through their own encounters and through the ones pulling the train and leading worship, through words and sounds.

Honestly, I've encountered worship bands where that's all they care about, and it's literally sickening... and then I've heard worship bands that don't exactly sound too amazing, but the presence of God was there and everyone connected, and suddenly it was as if the sound didn't matter anymore because God was welcomed into the room. And that's what matters.

Music doesn't have to just be a cool band or cool sounds.

It can be life-changing.

And that's why I desire to do it. Why I desire to bring it to my school and into my house and out of state and in church and everywhere else. I want to evangelize in everyday life, and I want to evangelize through worship.

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