Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Life-changing week...

I can't write it all down. I feel that the things God have done in my heart today, and in the hearts of the people at Oakland throughout this week are exploding inside of me, and the week isn't even over yet. I didn't know why I was going to fast this week, but I just went with it. I expected God to pour his love on me, because he gives us things on the inside when we fast, but this is WAY more than I expected! The first day was hard and I had an awful day along with it, but even through the difficulties and struggles, every single day something impacting in my school happened.
Something totally, radically, heart moving and impacting.
God showed himself to me today, and I couldn't help but to find myself in tears when I saw this. When I stood in the exact same place that I stood in my dream, seeing the exact same thing happen. This was the dream. The dream God put inside of me. It was his dream...

This was the FCA revolution this morning.
This is it.
He showed me today that he is faithful to answer the things we ask for. Today he showed me that he will always and forever keep his promises.
The things he promised me two years ago. They're happening when I walk into Oakland High School every single day, connected with all of the other people that are after God's heart and that are out to reach people and pray for them. They're happening when these prayer groups at school meet. They're happening when someone who doesn't know the love of God is coming to realize that there is more to life because someone reached out to them...

Things are changing, and things are shifting. It's no longer on the horizon that I longingly watched and awaited for so long in prayer. It's here.
This is the year...


  1. That's so awesome Hannah!!!! Praise God! He is sooo faithful!!!! You are His sweet daughter who has been persistant in prayer! God is so faithful and looks down and loves your heart so much! Thanks for encouraging me! I realize that I have been straying from a heart after God's to see revival and lives changed and having faith that God can and will do anything and that he can use me in a radical way! I love you! Keep sprinting after God! He literally is fulfilling your dreams! :) Halelujah!
