Thursday, August 4, 2011

Teenage Love, Infatuations, and so on.

I've thought about what I was going to write about. I actually just had this to post on my heart not even 20 minutes ago as I was doing laundry. (Things like this happen frequently, lol.)

Lately I've been learning some discipline on where the boundary line is for crushes, and when that can start getting out of hand.

I've had a crush for several months now. I believe this is the longest lasting crush I've had, actually.... And The guy is amazing! He has a heart in pursuit of Jesus and he has a great personality with many attributes that I appreciate.

But is there a boundary line?


God is the ultimate source of love. He created love, he IS love. Love's definition is him sending himself as a human, or his son, Jesus, to take on the sins of the world so that he could have a loving and intimate relationship with us. He wants us and desires us as people.

But so often we just ignore that fact in pursuit of what we think is love.

To be honest, I'd rather have the true, defined love of God in my life than the love of any man on the planet.

If you're a Christian who is in hot pursuit of Jesus and you end up liking a person that isn't... don't go for a relationship with that person.
Think you can change them?
You really can't.
God can.
You can pray for them and be their friend.
But if you try to date them and reveal that real part of you to them, they will pull you down.
And before you know it, you'll be in a miserable relationship that you didn't expect...

Damon Thompson from the Ramp once said something like this-

"You know how you find who you should marry? Run as hard and fast as you can after the kingdom of God and seek his face. And in that race look and see who's running next to you. Marry them."

This is one of my favorite quotes from him... and it's so true!

It's as simple as this: if we are desiring Jesus and in this race seeking his face and we stumble upon a guy who may or may not love Jesus and he isn't RUNNING and desiring God as much as you are, it isn't for that time.
Don't date him.
If you're a Christian and they aren't then you really shouldn't be dating them anyways unless you want to get pulled away from God.
The bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
You can't expect to date or marry someone who doesn't love Jesus and not get dragged down or pulled behind. You reveal one of the most intimate sides of you to a person you marry and in some cases date, and if you aren't revealing that part of you as a person (personality wise, not sexually) then you don't really like them as much as you think.

There is a difference between love and infatuation.

You know the guy you've liked for a few weeks? And he's really cute and has a nice personality and he likes to flirt and he sits next to you in history class and you just really want to date him and ask him out?


People in church. Listen to me.

Don't get distracted and get off course from what God wants you to do over one, single, person.

Church people, listen to me. For real.

"Oh but in church he jumps during the fast songs and raises his hands during the slow songs and he reads her bible all the time!"

But the real question is, does he REALLY love God just because he does that stuff?
Maybe or maybe not, You've only seen the surface.
When you really get to know him, maybe that isn't who he is at all. Maybe after church he does home and has sex with multiple girls and gets high and goes out and steals and cheats...

I have more but I don't feel like posting it.

So really, what should I do about this crush I have?

I have a lot ahead of me this year. I have honors classes, church responsibilities, I need to get a car, therefore a job eventually, and I want to help take lead in Christian Organizations at my school this year. I want to embrace those things. There are a lot of people that will get saved and revival is coming.

I don't want a guy I like to distract me from that. Because now isn't the right time.

And that isn't being ridiculous, that's me telling the truth.
Because this is what happens to girls, or guys, vice versa-
guys consume their thoughts, emotions, minds and everything becomes a blurr.
They ignore God.
They can't hear him speaking to their hearts because this thickening net of infatuation is choking his voice from their spiritual ears.
A distraction, believe it or not.
They start getting frustrated, hurt and out of kilter.
However, it won't be a distraction if it's the right time.
And I know now isn't the right time. Not yet for me anyway.

Maybe he'll like me one day. Maybe we'll go off and get married one day or maybe not, who knows? I don't know if he likes me let alone not knowing if I like him.

But I've decided that right now, it really doesn't matter.

I do what I need to do now.

We'll see what happens when the right time comes about.

And when the right time does come about, all will be well and our relationship will glorify God and lift him up, whoever that person may be.

Hope this helped you.

Good night :)