Friday, March 2, 2012

Decisions and Dreams


....can be hard sometimes.
They really make you think.
"What's going to happen if I don't go this way? What happens if I'm not successful? What happens if I don't know the right things in time?"

I feel that I'm itching to move on. To move somewhere different in these last two years I have to make an impact achieve my momentary passion that will effect eternity- to evangelize in high school and reach people everywhere through it.

When we're young, we find one thing that we might like and try it out, then when we like it we decide "I'm going to do this for the rest of my life!"

Little do we know that things change.
We think we want to do something for the rest of our lives, but after experiencing a little taste of it we realize "That's not exactly what I like" or "That's not really what I have passion for." Whether it is sports, a job place, a program or a study.
Sadly, the fear of others calling us quitters or loss of friendship can stop us from doing what we want... or at least that's what I've occasionally felt in my personal experience. But it's time for change. I'm not letting what others think get in the way of what I want.

This world is wayyyy too big for us to stay in a comfort zone. There are SO many things out there to do and see and experience to get stuck in one place. Even in this small platform I have in high school, as someone who is interested in studying people and patterns of behavior, I can't stay in one place.

Programs I thought I would be interested in last year I'm beginning to realize how that isn't what I want to do or what I have passion for now, and some things I've gotten into this year I realize that I have a passion for and that I want to do itbecause God put it as a desire in me. When our passions and plans aren't lining up with God's, we're really in for something that we realize we didn't want after all. We're walking right into misery. But when we're walking in the plans God has for us, pursuing him and at the same time running after the dreams he's put in us it's at that point we've become the most joyful and most satisfied in life.

Don't so something just because other people want you to do it. Do what you want.

So if you're reading this and you want to get out of your box or routine and do something different that you have passion for... go for it.
Stop caring what others think. If they want to bump you off because you found a new passion, then they probably weren't a real friend anyway.
No one is stopping you.
There are no boundaries. No limits.
Make a decision and chase your dreams, whatever it takes.

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