Tuesday, March 13, 2012

He is Faithful

"The works of His hands are verity and justice;
All His precepts are sure.
They stand fast forever and ever,
And are done in truth and uprightness.
He has sent redemption to His people;
He has commanded His covenant forever:
Holy and awesome is His name."

Psalm 111:7-9

I feel that something new is going to be coming to our school that I had prayed about for a while but lost focus with recently. The other day Matthew (whom I've worked with in the Acropolis prayer group we've started here at Oakland) called me to talk about jumping on really working together with the three Christian groups we have here at Oakland (Acropolis, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Timothy Club). The leader of FCA and I had discussed this before, because the goal isn't to have 3 separate groups just to have our own thing or "denomination" or social group, but to come together to do what the word tells us to- reach lost students and help them come to Jesus Christ. God called us to worship him, and to reach and disciple others. When we lose vision of that, things begin to start sliding downhill.
Back at the beginning of the year when Acropolis first started, there was a strong unity present although there were only a few people each morning. We would just meet in the courtyard, talk about God and discuss the word and pray. It didn't matter if people were watching us or taunting us from far off or talking about us. It didn't matter if we didn't have a council or 30 people or an adult present or any official title giving us a right to be there. We did it because we had passion for God and passion for souls.
Things have been changing all year, and a few days ago God put something in my heart to do that I didn't expect. It actually scared me a little and I lost my appetite for a little while there thinking about it too much, but I decided to stop standing and to start praying. The vision was planted in my heart again, by God and God alone. And I know what he tells me to do is the right thing to do, even if it looks big to me.
Whether anything is right or wrong in our eyes, if God asks it of us, we need to be open to do it if we want to grow. God knows what he's doing. We think we know more sometimes, but we don't. We've got to trust him.

I may be "Stepping down from leadership" in Acropolis, but I haven't lost the vision. I haven't abandoned the group. I took a different step. I'm very much still involved in what God is doing at our school, and I know obeying his voice is worth every step.

Now we're going to see what happens
And whatever it is, whatever may come,
revival is still here
people are still going to get saved
Jesus is still coming back
and that's really all that matters.

[He is Faithful- Bryan & Katie Torwalt w/ Jesus Culture]

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