Saturday, August 11, 2012

Be Prosperous and Be Loved

God gave us blessings so that we can be blessed and bless others...

They may say that it's human nature to be selfish, but the truth is that it isn't. It feels good to give out. It shouldn't hurt, because we know in our hearts that we're only going to get more from God when we give out. Obviously you can't live by works alone, however. And it isn't only money that we need to give, but we need to give our time, effort, finances, and full devotion and hearts to God and what he wants us to do. It feels good to prosper, and God wants to teach us about prosperity- all we have to do is let him, and we need to get schooled! We've got to get the books and make the confessions- I AM blessed and highly favored, and I will humble myself in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift me up into higher places that only he can take me.

Last night I became a little concerned, thinking about school, IB, choir, my new job and life itself ontop of that. I wondered "How in the world am I going to devote myself to God in all of this? How am I going to stay energized and filled with him and the word while exerting so much energy into things that... well, aren't him?"

So as I pondered, God shared something with my heart, and I would like to share it with you.

At one time I thought it was impossible to spend time with God and live life doing all of this crazy stuff (well, school and work for me. It adds up to be more.) BUT it doesn't have to just be black and white! God time and time for other stuff doesn't have to be two different ball games! (although we need to spend time with God, but you catch my drift.) Work, school, church, Devotional God-time. We don't have to just devote two hours of our day to God, but we can give him all of it!
What does that even mean?
We can spend time with him all day thanking him for his love as we are in the middle of doing the dishes or homework. He knows where he's called us, and when we're doing what he's called us and praying consistently and thanking him, it doesn't have to be a burden! We don't have to worry, fret, or cry, because at the end of the day his love remains forever and nothing else matters!
Finally, when we push other things aside to make time to just relax in his presence and chill with him, all we have to do is open up and receive. It isn't work. We don't have to WORK to receive God's love (which turns the tables as we're used to exerting energy all day long). All we have to do is just tell him we love him, sit back with some worship music on and chill. Read the word and press our ears against the floor of heaven.
 He's always there with us. Don't let the mind fool you.

God, I thank you for blessing me and making me prosper. You've given me everything I needed- a job, an education, friends, church, family, and a relationship with you. So help me give to those who are in need and help me remain steadfast in you with ears open to your spirit and a heart open to your love. Help me give my time, effort, work and finances to others and to you so that your kingdom will be advanced. Help the words that come out of my mouth and that words that I write help others in measures greater than I can imagine.

This week I will work on...

*Time Management
*Listening closely and focusing on directions and other people
*Being a present leader and not drifting
*Organizing my work and turning in things on time as I'm arriving places on time as well

In Jesus' Amen. So be it. :)

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