Monday, August 6, 2012

Junior Year: a time of endurance and climax.

Here's the new season. I start my Junior year tomorrow (a little earlier than others since I have to participate in a yearbook staff meeting and work Open House).

This I know for sure. I'm not the same person I was two months ago. And by the end of this school year, I will not be the same person I am now.

I'm ready to face these challenges now. Yesterday was not a very happy day for me.

Me: I'm not even ready for school. Usually I'm excited to go back, because it's like my mission field, but this year I dread it. I wish that it would stay summer forever. At this point I'll just stay home schooled if I have to. I don't want to go back. I don't want to be around people.
 Joey: Now look Hannah, here's the deal. God put you in that school for a reason and you've got to jump back in the game. Keep enduring the race. Right before the breakthrough in a race is when everyone wants to give up, but you've got to keep pushing and keep going. This is your year and you're going to see souls saved. Everything you've prayed and worked hard for has lead up to now.

As I was going through my emotions and tears, I finally sat down at the feet of Jesus in the night and was able to pray and re-cooperate properly. I remembered that instead of talking the entire time, it was time to listen. So as I lay on the floor while my music was playing, God dealt with me, and dealt with my pained heart.

So, out of prayer, this is what I got. This year is a year of consecration. This is the year of breakthrough at Oakland High School. Everything that I prayed for since the summer before my freshman year has lead up until now, but it isn't over yet. I still have running to do. This is when I have to break into my full sprint at the last quarter mile. I'm preparing to sprint and run my hardest. This means throwing off what I don't need so that I can run faster, taking in what I need so that it will be beneficial while I run. This means soaking in God's presence more and reading the word more. This means setting time aside every day for him and for playing my keyboard and singing to him. This means achieving more in academics and pushing the hardest. This means going out in search for a job. This means striving for success and watching as it comes forward. This is a year of reaping the harvest and sowing again.

I'm ready. Everything has a build, a climax. So bring it on.  

Junior year, here's my all.

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