Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Picking up and pushing forward (even when it's hard)

It seems that everytime someone very important and close to me in my life walks out on me or lets me down in a way, this song comes back up.

"I will waste my life
And I will be tested and tried
With no regrets inside of me
Just to find I'm at your feet

I say goodbye to my father, my mother
I turn my back on every other lover
And I press on, and I press on
For I am in love with you
There is no cost
I am in love with you
There is no loss
I am in love with you
I want to cling to you, Jesus.
Just let me cling to you,

The truth is that we can't put our full expectations into men and not have a foundation, because man will fail man. People will hurt people. People will screw up. People will never 100 percent meet your every expectation. Maybe they will do or say something that you never expected them to, and you find yourself broken and lost after putting your entire trust in their hands.
Really, what is there left to do?

Wade in your own pool of sorrow and hold offense to that person for not meeting your expectations?
We can't do that and expect things To eventually turn out okay.

Sometimes we have to walk away from a situation. Sometimes we have to smile, pick up or backpack and move on down the path that The Lord as laid before us, and maybe it will require you to leave some people behind. Sometimes we have to go down this path on our own. Even when you think you have a companion that will walk with you for the long run, and even when they tell you that they love you and will never hurt you, they can just as easily hop off of the train and leave you hanging. It sucks. That is not an easy thing to take on, because you put your trust in someone. It hurts to be let down.

But you know what? I have concluded that no matter how much it hurts, God is a healer and a restorer. He will never leave you hanging even when it feels like the entire world has left you behind. God will never leave us nor forsake us. Following his plan is not as easy as it sounded when you first got saved, but he has graced us to be overcomers and he has graced us to follow him, whatever that may require. If it requires you to leave a couple people behind, that's okay. You can do it.
It will hurt, but he will heal your broken heart.

Take up your cross and follow him. You won't regret it.

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