Thursday, January 3, 2013

What would it be like...

To be traveling worship band?
To be a traveling musician?

The road becomes your home.
God becomes your full source of income.
The platform you will give to God as you stand leading a crowd into the throneroom.
You pour your heart out to him in front of others.
The very sound of heaven is at the tip of your fingers and tongue.

You can prophecy and release the music in heaven within the earth by saying, "Yes God, use me. Use me to prophecy with my instruments, so that the hearts of the people are prepared to receive from you."

Prophetic musicians and singers are like Levites- they went into the temple first to prepare it before everyone else came. They prepared their hearts before God to pour out and as others followed, his presence filled the temple. They were forerunners.

Sometimes I just sit in school in these smart classes with all of these smart kids who want to have success in living the American Dream, and my mind is somewhere else. My ears are listening for new sounds from the throneroom. My heart is pressed against the floor of heaven, listening intently for what sounds of music and worship could possibly be resonating there, and I think about what would happen if we just opened up an ancient door and let the sounds of justice flow into the earth.

What would happen?

What would happen if that's what God called me to be when the rest of my generation has been told that it's stupid to do that, and only smart to become a doctor, scientist or teacher?
Everyone tells me that I can't live in a dream, but who are they to tell me what He's called me to? Who are they to tell me where my source of income is? To them, I say Have fun doing what everyone else does. He called me to glory, and that's what I will pursue.
My job isn't to figure out what I'm going to be or my passion. My job is to seek him like he told me to; to seek after his heart, make him my passion, and he will give me my answers.

If I could stand or sit on a stage with my musical group in front of ten, a hundred, a thousand people, us all just lifting our voices, worshipping and letting him move in our hearts, and even letting God use us to release his love and power,
And if that's what he wanted me to do full-time,

that would just rock.

Worship is justice, and justice is worship.
-Stuart Greaves

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