Monday, January 28, 2013


After much prayer and fasting over the last couple of months, I have come to some conclusions.
This is a lot to say, but spending time at the Ramp reminded me that I'm not called to live a normal lifestyle of the average American girl. I've determined that I don't want to go to college and major in something that I probably won't do. DISCLAIMER: There are people that God has called to be reformers- people who work in society, having a job as a doctor or salesperson or teacher as their calling to witness to others.
There is not a problem with that!

Maybe he called you to be a doctor or to work in a business. Maybe that was totally his plan. It isn't wrong if it's his plan.

But sitting in school and listening to them pressure us to pick a college and a major and to drown ourselves in debt made me wonder if this is all America sees in life. We've taken our possibilities and minimized them small enough to fit in a box. Well, here's news to society:
God will not be placed in a box.
Graduating college and making a lot of money is seriously not all their is in life, and I know it isn't. There has to be more. We have to reach further into our calling and what we do. We can't pretend to hear the voice of God telling us to do something and lie to ourselves if it isn't what he called us to. Maybe he will tell you to do something or go somewhere that you are uncomfortable with, but would you rather choose your way and continue to tell people that you hear from God when you're being disobedient, or will you choose his way and his plan no matter how scary it looks?
This is a generation that is called to stop looking like everyone else in the word and that's called to look like Jesus. Be radical. Change the world and shake the status quo. Do what he's called you to do, whether that is a doctor, a pastor, a McDonald's employee or a stay at home mom. We each have a plan to fulfill. Whatever it is, be the hands and feet of him in this earth.

So here I say it. I know deep inside that I'm called to ministry. I don't know what school of ministry I will go
to yet, but I know it's going to happen. Each step in this walk with God is not boring as people stereo-type it to be. It's a thrill as we put our trust in him and watch what he does. He's amazing. And I know that wherever he sends me is where he will want me to be.
I want to be where he is.

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